长城永不倒,国货当自强(奥妮皂角洗发浸膏) As the Great Wall stands for ever, homegrown “Aoni” grows ever-stronger. 其实,男人更需要关怀(丽珠得乐) It is man who truly needs more care. 开开衬衫,领袖风采(开开衬衫) “…” shirt makes you glowing in every detail. 一切尽在掌握(爱立信) All for one, all in one! 科技以人为本(诺基亚) Human technology! Connecting People. 飞跃无限(摩托罗拉) Communication unlimited. intelligence everywhere 让我们做得更好(飞利浦) let's make things better. 长城烽火,传信万里(西门子) As war flames spread far and wide along the Great Wall, Siemens sends signals likewise. 每一年,每一天,我们都在进步(联想电脑) Every year, every day, we are in progress! 容事达,时代潮(容事达电器) Royalstar, the trendsetter of our time! 穿金猴皮鞋,走金光大道(金猴皮鞋) Take you into a radiant future! 东西南北中,好酒在张弓(张弓酒) East or west, Zhanggong is best! 永远的绿色,永远的秦池(秦池酒) Ever-green, Ever-growing! 红星御酒,融进你我真情(红星御酒) Hongxingyujiu, the true thing that can bring us closer! 坐红旗车,走中国路(红旗轿车) Drive red-flag sedan, drive your China dream! 我们一直在努力(爱多电器) We are working harder as always! 中国人的生活,中国人的美菱(美菱冰箱) The beauty of life is Meiling! 没有最好,只有更好(澳柯玛冰柜) Good better best, Never let it rest. Till good is better, But better best. 好空调,格力造(格力空调) Gree air-cons for you! 牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香(蓝天六必治) A true tooth protector! We keep your appetite, you keep fit! 轻松爽洁,不紧绷(BIORE碧柔洗面奶) Biore speaks for sweet and smooth skincare! 中华永在我心中(中华牙膏) Zhong Hua, my life, my choice! 保护嗓子,请用金嗓子喉宝(金嗓子喉宝) Keep your voice loud and clear! 补钙新观念,吸收是关键(龙牡壮骨冲剂)You choose right calcium supplement, we help absorb it right! 播下幸福的种子,托起明天的太阳(种子酒)As you sow the seed of happiness today, so will you raise the sun of tomorrow! 喝汇源果汁,走健康之路(汇源果汁) Huiyuan juice, your choice of health! 苦苦的追求,甜甜的享受(伊利雪糕) Sheer icy pleasure! 华龙面,天天见(华龙方便面) Everyday company on the table! 食华丰,路路通(华丰方便面) Huafeng is simply part of life! 集美沙发,牛!(集美沙发) Jimei Sofa, good for ya! 我的眼里只有你(娃哈哈纯净水) My eyes will see only you. 远大,开创中央空调新纪元(远大空调) Broad, an epoch maker for central air-conditioning 当别人仍然以“大”事为重,NEC却专注于“小”事(NEC传呼) While peers are obsessed with making things bigger, NEC is keen on otherwise. 新春新意新鲜新趣,可喜可贺可口可乐(可口可乐) New year brings fresh fun with blessings of Coca Cola. 真金不怕火炼(金正VCD) Good as gold that fears no fire. 福气多多,满意多多(福满多方便面) A brilliant choice full of blessings! 非常可乐,非常选择(非常可乐) Future Cola, future choice! 农夫山泉有点甜(农夫山泉) Nongfu Spring, sort of sweet! 清清爽爽每一天(娇爽卫生护垫) Keep you clean and clear every single day 海尔,中国造(海尔) Haier, made in China 男人应有自己的声音(ALCATEL阿尔卡特手机) Men need to have their own voice. 从更大到更好(长虹电器) Grow in size and then in strength. Go from bigger to better. 清凉舒爽,全家共享(六神沐浴露) Cool and comfy, a true family care! 家有三洋,冬暖夏凉(三洋空调) Sanyo keeps your home cool in summer, warm in winter. 27层净化(乐百氏纯净水) Purified through 27 steps 飘柔,就是这麽自信(飘柔) Rejoice makes you confident, for sure. 足及生活每一天(搜狐) Sohu keeps you updated everyday. 知识改变命运(公益广告) Knowledge can change your destiny. 科技让你更轻松(商务通) The technology that makes your life a lot easier. 没什麽大不了的(丰韵丹) Growing big is a big deal. 晶晶亮,透心凉(雪碧) Crystal clear, cool and refreshing. 治肾虚,请用汇仁肾宝(汇仁肾宝) Huiren, the right remedy to regain kidney sufficiency. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a182052bbd64783e09122b27.html