保护环境的英语作文 关于保护环境的英语作文4篇 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的关于保护环境的英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 关于保护环境的英语作文1 In recent years,protecting the environment is being more and more important to the whole human beings. It is everyone's duty to do someting good to the environment around us.As middle school students,we can also do a lot of helpful things.For example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.We can save water to make full use of it.We can use materials which do no harm to the enviornment.Thingd we can do are a great many.Only when we have the idea of loving our environment can we make a better place to live. So everybody,let's take action! 关于保护环境的英语作文2 镜湖在芜湖市可是个家喻户晓的地方,外地人来芜湖必看的一景。现在的镜湖风景优美,是市民休闲的好去处。可你知道以前的镜湖是什么样子吗?听我给你讲讲吧。 在上世纪90年代中后期,镜湖的水体呈高富营养化状态,水质严重恶化,水变成了黄色。恶化的'原因主要有:芜湖市某医院通过地下水道将大量未经处理的污物、污水直接排进了镜湖;部分素质不高的市民往镜湖里倒垃圾;最可气的是镜湖风景区的某些工作人员竟然在镜湖里洗拖把!慢慢地,镜湖水变成了黄色,湖面上漂浮着许多垃圾,还散发着一股臭味。来到镜湖边的人们都捂着鼻子跑开了,嘴里还不停地说:“真臭!臭死了!” 一九九九年DDD二000年,芜湖市人民政府号召全市人民清理镜湖。首先,工作人员用机器将湖水抽干,再由党员带头和市民们一起挖掉淤泥,最后注入清澈的水。我外公是党员,他有着亲身体验,外公说,那次劳动很累,但改善了镜湖的水质,大伙儿都感到很高兴。 现在人们的环保意识增强了,再也没有人往镜湖里扔垃圾、排污水了。当你来到镜湖时,你会看到一片清澈的湖水,水底游来游去的小鱼,湖水旁婀娜的垂柳和刚长出来的青青的小草。 有了90年代的教训,我们一定要做个讲文明的好孩子,要保护镜湖水质,保持生态平衡。 关于保护环境的英语作文3 Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is being worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways. First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health. Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them. Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on. Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees. I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better. 关于保护环境的英语作文4 “家园只有一个,地球不能克隆”这句话说的十分正确。是的,我们的家园只有一个,保护和爱护家园是我们大家的责任。可有人,却故意去破坏环境,伤害我们的家园,伤害我们的地球母亲。 在大年初一那一天,我们去市民广场玩,当时我以为自己走错了 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a1ba1f5ca717866fb84ae45c3b3567ec102ddc91.html