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1 、展志愿风采,创小荷精神。

Show volunteer style and create Xiaohe spirit. 2 、弘扬中华美德,传递慈孝爱心。

Carry forward Chinese virtues and pass on filial piety and love. 3 、因为有爱,明天才会更美好。 Because of love, tomorrow will be better. 4 、我愿意成为一名光荣的志愿者。 I would like to be an honorable volunteer. 5 、志愿一份心,公益更精彩。

Volunteer a heart, public welfare more wonderful. 6 、爱心献社会,真情暖人心。

Love to the society, true feelings warm the hearts of the people. 7 、用我努力,换取您的微笑。

With my efforts, in exchange for your smile. 8 、志愿新时代,你我共精彩。

Volunteer new era, you and I are wonderful together. 9 、多一种经历,多一种成长。 More experience, more growth. 1 0 、要傲就给我傲到骨子里去!

If you want to be proud, give me pride to the bone! 1 1 、传递爱的真心,延续爱的希望。

Pass on the true love and continue the hope of love. 1 2 、巾帼志愿服务,与关爱同行。 Women volunteer service, walk with care.
