
时间:2022-12-17 13:05:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Recently, the newspapers, on TV are advocated to join the CD action, the classmates, do you know what call CD action? Right! Is to eat them all the food on the plate.

The Chinese custom is when the guest to order food, said the hospitality of yourself. Comes the Spring Festival, people also hard to avoid with their relatives and friends go out to eat a big meal, to express their own mind, a point of a lot of food, in the end, eat not only, also left a lot of food, do not pack again, watched these delicious is poured into the trash can. Alas...

Hunger has become the number one killer of mankind, now many people in Africa are still being plagued by hunger, be starved to death at last. Now the die from hunger in the world, ten million people each year. If we recycle 5% of the food every day, there will be four million people were rescued. Television also often put some of the poor children in the mountain, they didn t eat didn t drink, if we can save food, may be able to change their miserable fate.

These days, when I went to restaurant downstairs, I found there are some guests on the table with good after eating the leftovers and food on the plate almost all have no, eat is very clean, it must be they also read the newspapers and on TV the act after the news. I think I ll join the CD action, so at the time of order, I think is almost enough to eat and don t let mother point, when you eat, we also put the dishes and a bowl of rice to eat clean, looking at the bare plate, I m so happy! Here, I also give you two initiatives for CD action: 1, to cherish food, right amount order, avoid the leftover food, reduce the extravagant and wasteful. 2, not comparing, proud of savings, a waste of shame. Do not

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scraps, waste not, eat whatever you have, prostrate! Join the CD, together to waste said no!

The classmates, let us also join CD action! Let us also from waste, to save!



饥饿现在已成为人类的第一号杀手,许多非洲地区的人们还在被饥饿困扰着,最后被活活饿死了。现在全世界由于饥饿而死的,每年就有一千万个人。如果我们每天回收5%的粮食,就会有四百万饥民获救。电视上也经常会放一些山区的贫苦孩子,他们没吃没喝,如果我们能节约粮食,或许就能改变他们悲惨的命运。 这几天,我去楼下饭馆吃饭时,我发现桌子上放着一些客人用好餐后盘子里的剩菜和剩饭几乎都没有,吃的都很干净,这一定是他们也看了报纸和电视上的新闻后做出的行动。我想我也要加入 光盘 行动,因此在点菜的时候,我觉得差不多够吃了也就不让妈妈点了,吃饭的时候,我们也把菜和碗里的饭吃的干干净净,看着吃的光光的盘子,我开心极了!

在此,我也为 光盘 行动给大家二个倡议:1珍惜粮食,适量订餐,避免剩餐,减少奢侈浪费。2、不攀比,以节约为荣,浪费为耻。做到不剩饭,不浪费,吃多少要多少,吃不了兜着走!加入光盘族,一起对 浪费 说不!

同学们,让我们也一起加入 光盘 行动!让我们也远离浪费,走向节约吧!

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