
时间:2022-03-20 20:18:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

( ) 1. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting ________. A. more and more rich

B. more rich and more rich C. richer and richer D. richer and richest

( ) 2. Which is ____,a bus, a car or a plane? A. the fastest B. most fast C. fast D. faster ( ) 3. Li Hua’s English is very good, and her French __________ her English.

A. is as good as B. isn’t as good as C. is as well as D. is as better as

( )4. Who’s _______ in your class? A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest ( ) 5 He draws ______his uncle. A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as best as ( )6.Jack is a little _____than Peter. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ( ) 7. Tokyo is larger than ____ in Japan. A. any other city B. any city C. the other city ( )8 Remember this, children. ____ careful you are, ____ mistakes you will make. A. The more, the more B. The more, the fewer C. The less, the less

( )9 Their school is three times as ______ as ours. That means our school is ______ than theirs. A. big; three times smaller B. small; large C. big; small D. large; twice smaller ( ) 10 The Changjiang River is one of ________ in the world.

A. the longest river B. the longer river C. the longest rivers D. the longer rivers ( ) 11. __________ children there are in a family, __________ their life will be.

A.The less,the better B. The fewer, thebetter C.Fewer, richer D. More, poorer ( ) 12. Robert is much _________ than ________ in his class.

A. more tall; any other student B. more tall; anyone else C. taller; any other student ( ) 13 It will be bad for your health to eat ______ food and take _______ exercise. A. fewer; more B. more; less C. little; much D. less; more

( ) 14.The new pen is _____ than the old one. A. much good B. more better C.much better ( )15.Shanghai is one of the _____ in the world. A. big city B. biggest city C. biggest cities ( ) 16. The match made them _____ at last. A. happily B. quickly C. slowly D. friendly ( 17. A taxi doesn’t run as _____ as a train. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast ( ) 18. My little brother sings ________ than other boys.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautifully D. more beautifully ( )19. 30,000 dollars______ a large amount of money. A. is B. are C. be D. was ( ) 20 Xi’an is one of _________ capital ________ in China.

A. older, city B. the older, city C. oldest, cities D. the oldest, cities

( ) 21. When winter comes, the days get _______. A. short and short B. shorter and shorter ( 22.The weather in Harbin is much colder than ______ in Beijing .A it B. this C that D those ( )23.I think English is____French. A. less popular than B.the most popular C. so popular as ( ) 24. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a ________ one. A. small B. large C. nicer D. smaller ( ) 25. Things are ________ on the moon ________ on the earth.

A. much lighter; than B. much heavier; than C. as heavy; as D. not so light; as ( ) 26 They arrived there a bit _____ than we did. A. early B. earlier C. earliest

( ) 27. Which do you like _______ , tea or milk? A. well B. better C. very much ( ) 28. Who jumped _____ of all in the long jump? A. farthest B. longest C. farther ( 29 The more you learn, the _____ you can get a job. A. easily B. easier C. easy ( )30. --You’ve got the same dress as I. --Yes. Mine is _____, but not so _____ as yours.

A. better; expensiveB. better; more expensiveC. more better; expensiveD. good; more expensive ( ) 31. There is ________ snow everywhere.

A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too
