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喜欢的运动,是羽毛球,它翻译成英文应该怎么写?下面是店铺给大家整理的羽毛球英语怎么说,供大家参阅! 羽毛球英语怎么说

[ˈʃʌtlkɒk] [ˈʃʌtlkɑk] shuttlecock n. 羽毛球; 毽子;

vt. 往返递送; 将…抛来抛去; vi. 往返移动; 走来走去; 羽毛球的英语例句

1. Barnaby may be 15, but he's nippy and suited to badminton.


2. Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging.

试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。 3. Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. 打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。

4. Badminton can be played by two or four people. 羽毛球可由两人或四人来打.

5. " Is badminton anything like tennis? "" No, as different as chalk from cheese. ”

“ 羽毛球有点像网球 ? ” “不, 根本不同. ” 6. He played badminton for sport. 他打羽毛球是打着玩的.

7. They default ed in the badminton tournament. 在羽毛球锦标赛中他们没出场.

8. The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.


9. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.


10. We can play badminton quite well now. 我们羽毛球打得很好.

11. He can play tennis, badminton, golf, soccer, anything. 什么网球啊, 羽毛球啊, 高尔夫球啊, 足球啊,他都会. 12. Badminton is an indoor game. 羽毛球是一种室内运动.

13. Nets for tennis and badminton and so on. 有网球和羽毛球用的网等等.

14. He plays tennis better than badminton. 他网球比羽毛球打得好.

15. Let's go to the badminton match. 咱们去看羽毛球比赛吧. 羽毛球shuttlecock的双语例句

1. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.


2. As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day.

作为一个商店职员, 她整天在柜台后面走来走去.

3. I found him kicking at the shuttlecock in the room. 我发现他正在屋子里踢毡子.

4. Playing with the shuttlecock is of one of the favorites of Dalianese.


5. The kids are playing the interesting game of kicking
