The Last One of Mohegan The story happened under the background of the Britain and France fighting for the American colonies. And the war turned into white-hot; the circumstance of the Indian sank into dilemma. There are two options for them, to fight for the colonists or to wait for the fate to die out. And there are still last three Mohegan in the world. And among them there is a white man who was adopted by an old Mohegan. And on their hunting way to north, they ran into the war in which the Hurons which were under the control of French colonists were attacking the English officer and two daughters of an English general. And the three Mohegan helped them to defend the Hurons. Then in the battle of William Hamburg, the English colonists were defeated. And French army accepted English army’s surrender. But the Hurons who once massacred by the English colonists would not forgive them easily. And the Hurons wanted to kill the two daughters of the general. So the three Mohegan embarked on the road to protect the two girls. Finally, the white Mohegan fell in love with the older daughter of the general. From this story we can see confliction between colonization and anti-colonization, repression and freedom, colonists and aborigines. Farther more, the white Mohegan’s desire to fight for freedom and his lover touched us a lot. The background of the story made the readers feel a strong breathing of epic. At the end of the story, their unbending spirit of looking for freedom made the readers know more about the deep emotions of aborigines. The fighting between aborigines was wild and lamentable. In order to survive, they had to fight like animals, and did not realize that they were just the tools of the colonists to occupy more lands. The blood of them was the strongest evidence of the evil of the colonialism. The most righteous men among the aborigines were the last three Mohegan. The biggest difference between the three Mohegan and other aborigines was that they kept a clear mind and the freedom of character. They did not choice any side and keep a balance life style. And under this life belief they keep a strong and unyielding spirit. And one day there will be no more frontier. And men like you will go too, like the Mohicans. And new people will come, work, struggle. Some will make their life. But once, we were here. 本文来源: