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书山有路勤为径学海无涯苦作舟的英文是There is a path in the mountains of books, but diligence is the key. There is no end to the sea of learning, but hard work is the vessel. 类似的还有

1. 知识如海,勤奋是岸,航向未来。Knowledge is like a sea,

diligence is the shore, and sail towards the future.

2. 成功是甜蜜的果实,勤奋是通往成功的道路。Success is a

sweet fruit, and diligence is the path to achieve it.

3. 人生如梦,勤奋是唤醒梦的钥匙。Life is like a dream, and

diligence is the key to wake up the dream.

4. 知识如宝,勤奋是开采的斧头。Knowledge is like a treasure,

and diligence is the hammer to mine it.

5. 智慧如星,勤奋是摘星的网。Wisdom is like a star, and

diligence is the net to catch it.

6. 知识如海,求索是船,勤奋是帆。Knowledge is like an ocean,

inquiry is the ship, and diligence is the sail.

7. 成功如山,目标是峰,勤奋是路。Success is like a mountain,

the goal is the peak, and diligence is the path.

8. 人生如河,梦想是流,勤奋是源。Life is like a river, dreams

are the flow, and diligence is the source.

9. 智慧如星,思考是光,勤奋是寻。Wisdom is like a star,

thinking is the light, and diligence is the search.

10.书山有路,知识是金,勤奋是矿。The mountain of books has

a path, knowledge is gold, and diligence is the mine.
