come and go:转瞬即逝,匆匆而过,变化不定 Eg.Fashions come and go but the long dress is always popular. 时装不断变化,但长的服装却永远受到青睐。 Eg.Generations of men come and go; but time rolls in tits ceaseless course. 人世代谢,但时间的进程永不停息。 Eg.Governments come and go but does anything really change? 政府换来换去, 但有什么真正的改变呢? 英语情景对话: A:You married Joe, didn't you? 你和Joe结婚了吧? B:Joe? I don't know what you mean. Joe? 我不知道你在说什么。 A:I remember you are in love. 我记得你们在谈恋爱。 B:Oh, I took a shine to him when we met for the first time. But it comes and goes. 哦,开始我们一见钟情,后面就没感情了。 A:It's Greek to me. 我真是搞不懂你。 英语学习笔记: 1.take a shine to sb:喜欢,对......有好感 Eg.The boss immediately take a shine to the new secretary 老板一下子就对新秘书产生好感 第1页/共2页 Eg.I think Richard have take a bit of a shine to you. 我觉得理查有点喜欢上你了。 2.for the first time:初次,首次 Eg.For the first time in his life his talents had a fair field. 他有生以来第一次有公平的机会发挥他的才能。 Eg.I shall never forget seeing you for the first time in 1964. 我永远忘不了在一九六四年第一次见到你的情景。 Eg.The couple talk openly of their love for the first time. 这对情人第一次畅诉衷情。 in love:在恋爱中 Eg.Jack is totally in love with his girlfriend. 杰克爱他的女友爱得五体投地。 Eg.He had an uncommon look, as though he were in love with life. 他有一副不平凡的相貌,仿佛很热爱生活。 Eg.Unlucky in love, lucky at play. 情场失意, 赌场得意。 经典语句: It is Greek to sb. 某人一窍不通,某人什么也不懂。 第2页/共2页 本文来源: