www.ylongedu.com 雅思写作大作文结尾段模板 雅思大作文写作结尾需要大家在备考的时候做一些特别的准备,因为一个好的结尾既可以让自己的写作完整无缺,充分点题,又可以让考官觉得意犹未尽,酣畅淋漓。下面就是小编整理的几个比较好的雅思大作文写作高分结尾段模板,供大家参考。 雅思大作文结尾是雅思大作文写作中非常重要的部分,因为有头有尾才能是一篇完整的文章,而且这个部分是考官对文章的最后印象的提分阶段。所以准备一个雅思大作文结尾的高分模板是十分必要并且有用的。 这个雅思大作文结尾的高分模板的思路即将回顾全文部分省略,直接表达观点和意图。这种结尾方式比较适合于纯单边支持的作文,以下我们来看几个例子: It is obvious difficult to restrict the movement of people around the world and it is probably foolish to try to stop it. But attempts should be made to redress the imbalance. 关于人才流失的话题,作者在结尾一上来就表达了自己的立场,即无法阻止这个现象。但是进而又对改变这个状况做了期待。我们来对比另外一个例子: All in all, the problem of world poverty cannot be solved by money alone. Nations need to work together on long-term projects, sharing their knowledge and skills so that each person has something valuable to offer their community. 在分析解决型题材的结尾中我们也可以采用这种2要素的结尾方式,如果最后所剩时间不是很充分的前提下,省略对全文的回顾而直接表达观点也是一种明智的决定。 To conclude, it is clear that although numbers of women in the workforce have increased, they are still disadvantaged because they generally put the welfare of others, particularly the family, above financial ambition or promotion. 上面例子中,我们发现,其实展望未来这个部分,也可以写成解释原因,因为不是每个题目到最后都能想出一个合适的未来让你展望的,那么这个时候我们不妨把思路切换成对观点的原因解释,也未尝不是一个好主意。我们再来看看这个例子: To sum up, the richer nations have helped a lot by providing money for poor countries and poorer countries need to not only spend the money for daily use, but also put more money on economic developments, human resource improvements and education advancements, because only by doing so can they change their poor situations. 上面就是雅思大作文结尾高分模板的主要内容,基本上这是一个简单的结尾模板,使大家可以有很大的发挥空间。希望大家都能写出漂亮的雅思大作文结尾。 www.ylongedu.com 通过上面的这几个雅思大作文结尾高分模板,我们就可以对这个类型的雅思大作文写作结尾有一个大概的了解,接下来的工作就是在自己的雅思大作文写作备考当中适当的练习这些结尾形式,这样才能达到熟练运用的程度,才能正式应用在雅思大作文的写作当中。 外朗教育——让学习动起来!http://www.ylongedu.com/ 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a5f84870aef8941ea66e0582.html