
时间:2023-03-25 13:03:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



下面是一些承担的英文短语及其用法: 1. Take responsibility 意思:承担责任 例句:When something goes wrong, it’s important to take responsibility for it.

2. Carry the weight 意思:承担负担

例句:It’s not easy to carry the weight of a company on your shoulders.

3. Shoulder the responsibility 意思:承担责任 例句:She shouldered the responsibility of caring for her sick mother.

4. Assume responsibility 意思:承担责任

例句:He was willing to assume responsibility for his actions.

5. Step up to the plate 意思:挺身而出,承担责

例句:When the team needed a leader, he stepped up to the plate.

6. Take charge 意思:负起责任

例句:He took charge of organizing the event. 7. Rise to the occasion 意思:在压力下表现出色 例句:She rose to the occasion and delivered an inspiring speech.

8. Do your part 意思:尽自己的责任

例句:Everyone needs to do their part to make this project successful.

9. Own up to 意思:承认某事的责任 例句:He owned up to his mistake and apologized.

10. Face the music 意思:勇敢面对后果

例句:He knew he had done something wrong and was ready to face the music.

11. Be accountable 意思:对自己的行为负责 例句:As a manager, she’s accountable for the actions of her team.

12. Carry out duties 意思:履行职责

例句:As a police officer, it’s important to carry out your duties with integrity.
