give up doing造句

时间:2024-03-19 19:10:53 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
give up doing造句

1. After years of trying, he finally gave up playing the guitar. 2. She gave up smoking when she found out she was pregnant. 3. I'm not ready to give up on my dreams just yet.

4. He gave up trying to fix the broken clock and decided to buy a new one instead.

5. She gave up eating meat after watching a documentary about animal cruelty.

6. He's never been one to give up easily, no matter how tough the challenge.

7. I had to give up my favorite hobby because I didn't have enough time for it anymore.

8. She gave up on the idea of traveling abroad this year due to the pandemic.

9. He gave up his seat on the bus to the elderly lady who was standing. 10. The company was forced to give up its plans for expansion due to financial difficulties.
