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平时是形容时空的常态,是很常见的一种口语化的表达。那么你知道平时用英语怎么说吗?现在跟店铺一起学习关于平时的英语表达及造句技巧吧。 平时的英语说法

usual regular

in normal times 平时的相关短语

地方平时 Local mean time

平时钟 mean-time clock ; meantime clock 格林威治平时 Greenwich mean time 平时成绩 Usually results

平时价格 Usual price ; Normal time price 平时的英语例句

1. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.

他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。 2. I was rigged out in my usual green suit. 我穿着平时那套绿色套装。

3. She felt more than usually hungry after her excursion. 远足后,她比平时感觉更饿。

4. Her normally shy son had come out of his shell. 她那平时很害羞的儿子已经开始与人交往了。

5. "We'll all be arrested!" Thomas yelled, which was most unlike him.

“我们都会被抓的!”托马斯大声嚷道,跟平时的他判若两人。 6. If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature. 如果他感觉比平时热,量量他的体温。

7. Lee has divided his time between flat-hunting and travelling.


8. She found her customary self-possession had deserted her. 她发现自己不像平时那样处事不惊了。 9. As always he is liberal with his jokes. 像平时一样,他出口就是笑话。

10. She's not usually lacking in confidence. 她平时并不缺乏自信心。

11. She didn't recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes. 他穿着平时宽松随意的衣服,她没有认出他来.

12. I'm busy on weekdays. May I see you on Sunday? 我平时很忙, 我可以在周日与你见面 ?

13. Ordinarily she sleeps at the school and goes home only on Saturdays.


14. He hadn't studied hard so that he failed in the exam. 他平时学习不努力,以致()考试不及格.

15. You seem even more beautiful than usual today. 你今天好像比平时更漂亮.
