九年级上册英语课文surprisesat.the studio翻译

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" Five minutes to go," shouted the director. "Is everyone ready" “(距离开始)还有五分钟,”导演喊道。”大家都准备好了吗?”

"I'm glad that I'm not one of the contestants!" Denise said. "I'm not that brave." “还好我不是一个参赛者!”丹妮丝说。”我没有那个勇气。” "Oh, I'd love to be a contestant, " said Angela. “哦,我(倒是)想成为一名参赛者,”安吉拉说。

The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting. 三名参赛者坐在舞台上的桌子前上等待。

The hot lights were shining down upon them. 聚光灯正照在他们身上。

Suddenly one of them passed out and fell across her desk. 突然一个人昏倒了在她的桌子上。

A cameraman helped the woman off the stage. 一个摄影师把那个晕倒的女子扶下舞台。 The director hurried down from the control room above. "We need another contestant," he shouted.

导演匆忙从控制室跑下来。”我们需要另一个选手,”他喊道。 "Who among you wants to be on TV" “谁想上电视?”

Angela raised her hand. "You're on!"the director shouted. 安吉拉举起了手。”你来!”导演喊道。

He led her onto the stage, and a make-up artist rushed forward. 导演立刻请她上了台,一个化妆师立刻冲向前。

She quickly put make-up on Angela's face and brushed her hair. 她很快给安吉拉化上妆,并给她梳好头。 "Ten seconds," shouted the director. “(还有)十秒,”导演喊道。

"It's time for Travel Quiz, and here's your host, Lester Li!” said a loud voice. Lester Li ran out onto the stage.


The quiz show began. 竞赛开始了。

Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. 虽然安吉拉没有(任何)准备,但她的表现非常出色。

She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.


Twenty-five minutes later, Angela just had to answer six more questions to beat the other contestants and to win the prize.


Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still. 安吉拉依然保持镇静,而丹妮丝则非常激动。

Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.


Soon there was just a single question between Angela and victory. 很快,安吉拉距离胜利只有一问之差了。

"And finally, where's Big Ben" asked Lester. “最后,大本钟在哪里?”莱斯特·李问。 "In England," replied Angela. “在英国,”安吉拉说。

"Correct!"' shouted Lester. "You're tonight's lucky winner. “正确!”莱斯特·李喊道。“你今晚的幸运儿。

You've won tonight's prize - a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris!" 你已经赢得了今晚的大奖——赴美丽的城市巴黎的双人之旅!”
