给妈妈的惊喜英语作文带翻译 明天就是母亲节了,早上一睁开眼睛,我就想,为妈妈做点什么呢? Tomorrow is mother's day. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I want to do something for my mother? 我想,先从帮妈妈做一些力所能力的家务开始吧。起床以后,我先把自己的床铺收拾一下吧,我把被子的四个角对折,然后再对折,被子就变成一个整整齐齐的小方块了,再把床单拉整齐,枕头放整齐,这样,我的床铺就整理好了! I think, first of all, I'd like to help my mother do some housework. After getting up, I will first make up my bed. I will fold the four corners of the quilt in half, and then fold it in half. The quilt will become a neat small square. Then I will pull the sheets in order and put the pillows in order. In this way, my bed will be made up! 刷牙洗脸后,我来到厨房,准备给妈妈煎鸡蛋吃,爸爸说:“冰箱里还有大米,不如我教你做炒米吧?”我说:“好呀!”我首先拿出三个鸡蛋洗一下,把鸡蛋打到碗里,用筷子把鸡蛋打匀。然后把火腿肠和葱花切成丁,接着打开火,把油倒到炒锅里,等一会油热了,就把鸡蛋倒进炒锅里,鸡蛋立马像开了花一样变大变黄,真神奇!翻炒一下鸡蛋,再迅速地把大米、火腿和葱花倒到炒锅里,再放点盐,用铲子一直翻炒着,直到大米和鸡蛋均匀开来,香喷喷的炒米就做好了!我盛到盘子里,端出来,光荣地告诉妈妈:“妈妈,请吃我为您做的'炒米!”妈妈一脸的惊喜,吃着我亲手做的炒米,说:“嗯!真香呀!我家小猪长大了!” After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I came to the kitchen and prepared to fry eggs for my mother. My father said, "there is rice in the fridge, why don't I teach you how to cook rice?" I said, "OK!" first I took out three eggs and washed them, beat them into a bowl, and beat them with chopsticks. Then dice the sausages and scallions, turn on the fire, pour the oil into the frying pan, wait for the oil to heat up, then pour the eggs into the frying pan, and the eggs immediately turn big and yellow like the flowers, which is amazing! Stir fry the eggs, and then quickly pour the rice, ham and scallions into the frying pan, and then put some salt, and stir with the shovel until the rice and eggs are even, fragrant spray The fried rice is ready! I put it on the plate and bring it out. I proudly told my mother, "Mom, please eat the fried rice I made for you!" my mother's surprise, eating the fried rice I made by myself, said: "MMM! It's delicious! My pig has grown up!" 今天,我又学会了一个本领—炒米,以后,我要经常做饭给爸爸妈妈吃,经常帮妈妈做家务!我也祝妈妈母亲节快乐!永远健康! Today, I learned another skill - stir fried rice. After that, I will often cook for mom and dad and help mom with housework. I also wish mom a happy mother's day and always healthy! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/816f1c12cad376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ff7131b.html