
时间:2022-04-19 00:00:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Vividly depicted in the illustration are____(人物)__, who are ___(在干嘛)_____. 第一个人 did something(某动作)and asked/said/doubted___(图中原话)__”;第二个人replied patiently/angrily/joyfully:“___(图中原话)__.” Apparently, the cartoonist is trying to convey the message that______(改写题目的主题)_____.

译文:图中很生动地描绘了(某人或某人们),他们(在干吗)。第一个人做了某事(如举手、打哈欠、丢东西),并且问到、说到、质疑到:。。。。。;第二个人耐心地、生气地、快乐地回到到。。。。。很明显,画作者试图想要传递一个信息,即。。。 注意,图中两人对话的句子直接写到双引号之间即可;最后一个句子要稍微改动下词、修饰、说法。如六月份考的爸爸和儿子的对话:

Vividly depicted in the illustration are a kid and his father, who are having a conversation. The kid said:“ Dad, I am worried about their disposing of the nuclear wastes.” Then, his father

replied patiently: “Dear son, if you can empty the dust bin, you can do everything.” Apparently, the cartoonist is trying to convey the message that we ought not to ignore the small things before we undertake something truly important.

例子中画波浪线的地方即你要填写的东西;那两句说的话是图中已经有的,直接抄进去;主要是最后一句话,原文的主题是:We should do something small before we undertake something big,请体会下我的改写。

B. 饼状图:先说一个东西有几类,再按降序描写。

模板:Clearly depicted in the pie chart(饼状图)are the percentages of ___(主体)__. There are ____ kinds of ___ in all.(先说该主体一共有几类,前空是数字,后空是主体。)A takes the lead, which takes up a%.A占最大比列,一共有a%)Then, B is the second largest, and it occupies b% (B是第二大的,占b%)。C ranks the third, accounting for c%. It is followed by D, E, and F, with d%, e%, and f% respectively.(接下来分别是D,E,F,各自占了d%,e%,f%)

要注意,如果没有A-F那么多种,就减掉一点即可。主要是三个占据:take up \ account for\ occupy,以及四个不同的从属成分表达:1. which takes up 2. and it occupies3. accounting for4. with+百分比; 也就是没有句型的重复,第一个是定语从句,第二个是并列句,第三个是伴随状语,第四个是介词结构。

C.线状图和柱状图(line chart and bar chart):按X轴(通常是时间)来展开;先写第一个时间点的数值,再依次展开。

a.上升词汇:动词:climb, ascend; 名词: ascent, increase

b.下降词汇:动词:declinedescend; 名词:decline(既是名词又是动词), descent. c.介词: (上升)到:to (上升)了:by 如:下一个月产量上升了20%

In the next month, the production ascended by 20%. d.程度副词:

剧烈:steeply, dramatically, significantly; 轻微:slightly, marginally;


In the next month, the production ascended slightly by 5%. e.三个句型:

动词型: A ascended/ declined significantly from ….to …..A上升/下降得很大,从。。。变成了。。。)

名词型:There was a slight increase in A by….A轻微地上升了。。。。。)

时间型:一段时间 saw a steep ascent of A to….(这段时间里,A剧烈上升到了。。。。) 注意,这三个句子的意思是,都是写上升、下降的句型,但是不能重复。第一个就是正常的主谓句,第二个是there be句型,第三个是以时间为主语。这也是为什么前面上升和下降要分别给出名词和动词的原因;第一个句子里要用上升、下降的动词形式;而第二、三个里面则用名词形式。其中的副词、形容词、动词可以变化,它们只是为了说明这些句型。

下面来展示一句话用三种句型来写: 下一个月中投诉的数量显著下降了50%

The number of complaints declined significantly by 50% in the following month.

In the following month, there was a significant decline in the number of complaints by 50%. The following month saw a significant decline in the number of complaints by 50%.


