茹毛饮血的意思是什么 茹毛饮血的意思: 茹毛饮血,成语,释义:连毛带血地生吃禽兽的生活。指处在没有开化的状态。 英文解释 eat animal flesh raw and drink its blood;eat birds and animals raw;eat the raw meat and drink the blood;live the life of a savage ; 【出自】:《礼记·礼运》:“未有火化,食草木之食,鸟兽之肉,饮其血,茹其毛,未有麻丝,衣其羽皮。” 【示例】:~的时代已经一去不复返了。 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容野蛮的生活 【近义词】生吞活剥 【辨析】也作“饮血茹毛” 【语法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容野蛮的生活 双语例句 科学把人类从茹毛饮血带入现在的高科技时代。 Science has brought mankind from a primitive form of life to the present high-tech age. 以前的男人们茹毛饮血,在荒野中与野兽争食,把那些不用劳动得来的饭称作为软饭。 Nascent men before, in the wilderness with wild animals fighting over food, to those who do not have to work the rice known as soft rice. 比方说正统作家声称诺斯替教,我们这节课会讲到诺斯替教,他们说他们骄奢淫逸,茹毛饮血,而且还同类相食。 Orthodox writers,for example,claim that Gnostics, we talk about Gnosticism in this lecture, they said they have these wild sex orgies, and they drink blood,and they have cannibalism. 茹毛饮血的意思是什么 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a760117e74232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe368.html