
时间:2022-07-21 09:00:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

下面 为大家带来求职面试英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习! 求职英语口语对话:介绍家庭

A: How many people are there in your family? A:你家有几 口人? f

B: Five. Besides my parents and me, there are my brother and sister.

B:5 口。除了我的父母和我,还有我的弟弟和姐姐。 A: That’s a big family. How old is your brother? A:确实是个大家庭,你弟弟多大了? B: Eighteen. B:18 了。

A: What about your sister? A:你姐姐呢?

B: She’s not quite twenty-five. B:她不满25岁。

A: Do you miss your family? A:你想念家里人吗? B: Yes. B:想。


A: Do you often go home? A:你经常回家吗?

B: No. But I often send e-mail to them. And make a call to my parents regularly ?

B:,但我经常给他们发邮件。给我父母打电话。 A: How often do you call to them? A:你多长时间给他们打一次电话? B: Once a week. B:每周一次。

求职英语口语对话:家庭情况 A: Are you married? A:你结婚了吗?

B: Yes, sir. I'm married. B:是的,先生。我结婚了。 A: When did you get married? A:你什么时候结的婚? B: 1 got married in 1997. B:我于1997年结婚。 A: Is your husband working? A:你爱人有工作吗? B: Yes, sir. B:是的,先生。


A: Where and what kind of work does your husband do? A:你爱人在哪里工作?做什么工作?

B: He is an English teacher in HongKong. 在香港当英语老师。

A: Do you have any children? 你有小孩了吗?

B: Yes. I have a lovely boy. He is seven years old. 是的,我有一个可爱的儿子。现在7岁。

A: Do we have to transfer your husband and child here? A:我们要把你爱人和小孩安排过来吗?

B: Yes, I hope so. It is inconvenient to live apart. B:是的,我希望如此。分居很不方便。

