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高效课堂 寇家河中学

设计:张继峰 审核:师海燕


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37-5-35 Lesson 35:Chinas Most Famous Farmer】导学案 学习目标:

1、本课四会单词:farmer, so that, graduate, development, devote, devote oneself to, research, worldwide, honour , produce, besides, benefit , spare time, super star.

2、能够准确描述袁隆平的事迹 3、学习袁隆平为科学奉献的精神



2、难点:能用所学的句型叙述袁隆平培育水稻的过程。 课文中的重点句型

学法指导:首先自读课文,理解文章大意,回答问题。然后教师辅导、点拨,透析重点句型要义,最后学生再次复读课文,完成练习题,巩固本课知识。 ★学习流程: 自主学习】


1 When was he born ? __________________________

2 Where did he graduate from? __________________________

3 Did he come up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s? ___________ 4 Did he succeed in the development of hybrid rice? ___________________ 5 Does Chinese produce enough rice to feed her people every year? _____________________

6 What does Yuan Longping like to do in his spare time________________ 7 How often does he go to the field? ____________________


合作探究】 1

graduate为不及物动词,意思是_______,表示从哪里毕业常用短语____________,例如句子“我们将从寇家河中学毕业”翻译为_______________________________.graduate 为动词,它的名词形式为___________.


Honour作为名词意思为 ____________,常用短语____________,意为 “为了纪念„..”如例句, We eat zongzi in May in honour of the great poet Qu Yuan. Honour作为动词,意思为_____________,常用短语____________________来表达。

3 4

Besides ,意思是_______.beside 意思为__________,beside 意思相近的还有两个词,分别是_______ ______,_____常与否定意义词连用。

So that,可以引导两个状语从句,一是________状从,一般翻译为_______,另一个是_____状从,一般翻译为__________. Sothat 的意思为_______________,引导的是一个结果


高效课堂 寇家河中学

设计:张继峰 审核:师海燕



5 6 7

In ones spare time 意思为________________,相当于________________________ It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China.在中个句子中,包含的主要句型是________________________,It ___________,be said 是被动语态。 Since then ,he has devoted to himself to research and to the development of new varieties.此句中since then 意为__________,常与_________时态连用。致力于„,献身

于„短语是____________. 当堂达标】 英汉互译

1、儿时梦想_______________ 2 以便,为了____________ 3、从„毕业___________ 4 想出,找到______________ 5致力于,献身于___________ 6被誉为_______________ 8、在某人闲暇时________________ 7、从„收益 _____________

9it is said that_______ 10care about__________ 11noting but________ 12in the 1960s ___________ 13go to sleep____________ 14work on__________ 课外拓展】 选择填空。

1.MrGreen graduated Oxford University. A .from B. of C. about D. for

2.My father got up early he could catch the first bus.

A. so that B. in order to C. as so to D. such that

3. We believe scientists will a way to solve the problem of our air pollution. A. set off B. put off C. come up with D. catch up with 4.S oon they got into trouble the thick fog A. because of B. unless C. because D. where

5 .When he moved to America in he was already in .. A. the 1980s his fifty B.1980s , his fifty C. the 1980shis fifties 6I like to eat every kind of food _____ noodles ,I hate eating them. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

7 Lily and Lucy went to the park _____ Allan, they three all enjoyed themselves.

A. beside B. besides C. expect D. except 8 Nobody can open the door ______

A. expect B. except C. but D. besides

9 Mark Twin is famous ____ a writer, He is famous ___ his children story books. A. as , to B. for, like C. as , for D. for , as 10____ is said that ____ tourists visit Geyuan Garden every day. A. That , thousands of B. It , five thousand of C. It , thousands of D. This , three thousand


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