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1 Awater B jump Crun Dclimb 2 Alonger Btaller Ctired Dstronger 3 Ateeth Blength Cfeet Darm

4 Ahead Bhand Ctaller Dleg 5 Abig Bold Ctall Dhow 二、按要求写单词。(14分) 1、写出下列词的比较级。

big ________ short ________ heavy ________ fat ________ happy_________ late _________ strong _________ fine________

2 meter(复数) ________ foot (复数)_________ I (形容词性物主代词)________ do(第三人称单数)________ by (同音词)________ konw(同音词)_______ 三、连线。( 5分) How heavy are you ? I'm 47kg.

How big are your feet ? I wear size 17. How long are your legs I'm 165 cm.

How old are you ? My legs are 76cm How tall are you I'm 13 years old. 四、选择正确的答案。(10分)

( )1I'm two years _______than you .

A young Bshorter Cyounger ( )2Line up _____ younger to older .

A from Bat C of ( ) 3 How big ______ your feet ? A is B are C it ( ) 4_______ ------80cm

AHow tall are you ? BHow long are your legs ? C How old are you ?

( ) 5Which monkey do you like ?

A I like the yellow one. BIt's younger. C It's nice . ( ) 6How ______is your best friend ? ----- Thirteen years old . Aold B tall Cheavy ( ) 7How tall is Chen Jie

AHe is 12 years old. BI'm 147cm. C She is 150cm. ( ) 8、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:________

AHow long are you ? BHow tall are you ? CHow large are you ? ( ) 9、当你想表达“你的床有多长”?时,你应该说:____

A How long is your bed ? B How big is your bed ? C How large is your bed ?

( ) 10 当你想知道你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:_______

A How tall are you ? BHow old are you ? C How heavy are you 六、 找出不同类的单词,将标号填入提前括号。(5分)

( ) 1. A. tall B. shark C. short ( ) 2. A. fish B. whale C. jump ( ) 3. A. running B. diving C. bigger ( ) 4. A. older B. young C. strong ( ) 5. A. lobster B. cm C. kg. 七、 英汉互译。(5分)

1.更瘦的 2.更小的 3. 更壮的 4. than 八、 找出Ⅱ栏中与Ⅰ栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。(10

( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39. ( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old. ( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im 45 kg.

( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. Im 158cm tall. ( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm. 九、 读对话,将句子补充完整。(10分) 1. Mike: How you ?


Amy: Im 40kg.

Mike: Im 35kg . Im you. 2. Sarah: you ? Liu Yun: Im 165cm.

Sarah: Im 160cm. Youre cm me. 十、 选择填空.10分)

( ) 1. monkey do you like?

A. Who B. What C. Which ( ) 2. Im than you.

A. strong B. thin C. thinner ( ) 3. My hands are bigger than .

A. you B. your C. yours ( ) 4. How is your pencil?

A. tall B. long C. longer ( ) 5. Im 5 older than you .

A. years B. cm C. year 十一、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。(10分)

1. 汤姆是160厘米高,塞拉是157厘米高, 可以说:

A. Tom is taller than Sarah. B. Tom is shorter than Sarsh. C. Tom is 3cm shorter than Sarah. 2. 百灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:

A. Bai Ling is 2 kg heavier than Mike. B. Bai Ling is two years bigger than Mike. C. Bai Ling is two years older than Mike .

3. 约翰有45公斤, 迈克有50公斤, 我们不能说:

A. Mike is stronger than John. B. Mike is thinner than John. C. Mike is 5kg heavier than John.

4. LiuYuns hair is 18 cm .

Chen Jies hair is 4 cm shorter than Liu Yuns. How long is Chen Jies hair?

A. 14 cm B. 15 cm C. 16cm

( ) 5. Amy wear size 18. Zhang Peng wear size 16 .

Whose feet are bigger?

A. Amys feet are bigger.

B. Zhang Pengs feet are bigger. C. Their feet are same.

十二、 阅读理解(10分)判断正(T)误(F

Dad: Which dog do you like?

John: I like the black dog. Its taller than the white one. Dad: Do you like the shorter brown one?

John: I think I like the taller dog. It is stronger.

Dad: I like the white dog. Its younger. Its tail is 6cm long. John: The black dog id taller than the brown one. I think it is Dad: I think the brown dog is only 20cm tall. John: Can I get a new dog? Im older now. Dad: No, you have two dogs already!

( )1. The black dog is taller than the white one. ( )2. John likes the brown dog. ( )3. Dad likes the black dog.

( )4. John thinks he can get a new dog. ( )5. John can get a new dog. 30cm tall.
