Peacock>Essay on Peacock: The peacock is India’s national bird. It is a very colourful bird and is found in many parts of the country. Short Essay on Peacock 200 Words in English for Kids and Students in English Below we have given a short essay on Peacock is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. A peacock has a long, shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its head. It has beautiful, multicoloured feathers. When a peacock dances, it spreads its wings out like a fan. A dancing peacock presents a very beautiful sight. As this dance is very graceful, it has inspired a type of dance, which is known as the Peacock Dance. In this, the movements of a dancing peacock have been imitated. Its long feathers are used to make many beautiful and decorative things. A peacock can fly for only very short distances. The female of the species is known as a ‘peahen’. There are 本文来源: