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偶像英语说法: idol

偶像的相关短语: 日本偶像 Japanese idol; 偶像派 idol type

虚拟偶像 Simone ; S1m0ne ; Virtual Idol ; Simone Viktor Taransky

文化偶像 cultural icon ; cultural idol

甜美偶像 Lovely Idol ; Lovely Idol-New Lyrics ; Lvely Idl ; New Lyrics

生活偶像 Idols in life 偶像的英语例句:

1. He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.

他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格。 2. He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol. 他看起来不像是青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人。 3. Since her death, she has become a cult figure. 她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。

4. Teenage idols have a strong influence on our children. 青少年偶像对孩子们的影响非常深。

5. David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.

戴维开始讨厌所有他曾喜欢的吸烟的电视偶像了。 6. Sandman is a cult figure on the local music scene.


7. Only Marilyn has proved as enduring a fashion icon. 只有玛丽莲是常青的时尚偶像。

8. The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status. 这些广告帮助耐克公司成就了其偶像地位。 9. My boyhood hero was Bobby Charlton. 我童年时代的偶像是博比·查尔顿。

10. By this time Pitt had become a teenage idol. 皮特此时已经成为青少年崇拜的偶像了.

11. When I was eight years old, my parents were faultless gods.

八岁时, 我视父母为完美无缺的崇拜偶像. 12. He was football's first pin - up boy. 他是海报上的第一位足球偶像.

13. Blind worship of this idol must be ended. 对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了.

14. The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images.


15. He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.

