秋天用英语怎么说 秋天,是一年四季中的第三季,由夏季到冬季的过渡季,那么你知道秋天用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起来学习关于秋天的英语知识吧。 秋天英语说法 autumn fall 秋天的相关短语 秋天之后 After The Fall 秋天再见 bye bye until next fall 秋天序曲 Autumn Prelude 走过秋天 Autumn's coming 沉睡秋天 Autumn sleep 进入秋天 Autumn access ; Entering autumn ; Into the fall 秋天的英语例句 1. Two thousand grey seal pups are born there every autumn. 那里每年秋天有2,000头灰色小海豹出生。 2. We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals. 我们计划今年秋天在各医院推出一个模型进行试验。 3. As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed. 秋天临近,花园中的草木和颜色也发生了变化。 4. The court case got under way last autumn. 这个案子从去年秋天起开始审理。 5. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。 6. It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind. 现在是秋天, 树叶在微风中飘落下来. 7. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October. 秋天从八月开始, 一直持续到十月. 8. The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn. 在这寒冷的秋天,灌木可能会枯死. 9. He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions. 他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了. 10. These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. 这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙. 11. The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn. 欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色. 12. Her contract is coming up for renewal in the autumn. 她的合同秋天就应该续签了. 13. What I like best is the autumn in Beijing. 我最喜欢的是北京的秋天. 14. In the autumn I rake up the dead leaves. 秋天我把死叶耙拢. 15. A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn. 毛皮外衣在冬天比在秋天更有用. 关于秋天的现代诗歌:最是那秋的温柔 霜为枫叶披上了婚纱 那别样的红,宛若 新娘的娇颜... that tender is that autumn by angela ren tr. zhao yanchun frost dresses the maple with a bridal veil, extra red, like the fair complexion of the bride 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/910ce222753231126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f373bc.html