猜猜我是谁 _写人的英语作文 200字带翻译 大家知道我是谁吗 ?我是五官中〞最正确表现奖〞的实力得主, 也是最脆弱 (cuì ruò) 的一个。 Do you know who I am? I am the strength winner of the “best performance award 〞among the five senses, and also the most vulnerable one. 你瞧,我一不小心撞(zhuà ng)到墙上,鲜血直流,一 阵钻心的痛吓得主人哇哇大哭。 我必须时刻呼吸新鲜空气,因为 我一旦休息了,主人就一命呜呼了。 You see, when I accidentally hit the wall, the blood flowed and a deep pain scared the owner to cry. I have to breathe fresh air all the time, because once I have a rest, my master will die. 我能闻到香香的烧鸡味,让嘴巴馋 (chán)得直流口水; 主人刚走到厕所门口,我就会第一时间提醒他:〞小心,很臭哦 !〞 I can smell the smell of roast chicken, which makes my mouth drool; when the owner comes to the door of the toilet, I will remind him at the first time: “be careful, it stinks! 〞 看到这儿,你肯定猜出我是谁了吧 ? See here, you must guess who I am, right? 我就是大名鼎(d I n鼎的鼻子,小朋友,你可一定要好好保护 我哦! I ' m the nose of Da Ming Ding. Children, you must protect me! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/aeb402c10ba1284ac850ad02de80d4d8d15a013b.html