关于美的英语名言 1、美的至高无上的部分,无法以彩笔描出来。 The supreme part of beauty can't be depicted with a paintbrush. 2、美就是真,真就是美。 Beauty is truth, and truth is beauty. 3、美在已经涉足和尚未涉足的领域中创造着。 Beauty is created in areas that have been and have not yet been explored. 4、我们把美归结为质朴无华,实实在在,恰到好处。 We attribute beauty to simplicity, reality and appropriateness. 5、美会在凝视者的眼睛里。 Beauty is in the eyes of the gazer. 6、美学是研究“美”的学问,艺术是创造“美”的技能。 Aesthetics is the study of beauty, while art is the skill of creating beauty. 7、美功不伐,贵位不喜。 You don't like the lack of merit. 8、美好的东西在质不在量。 Good things are not in quantity but in quality. 9、美是上帝的微笑,音乐是上帝的声音。 Beauty is God's smile, music is God's voice. 10、为美而献身比为面包而活着要幸福得多。 It is much happier to devote oneself to beauty than to live on bread. 11、只有美才能征服我们,我们只受美的支配。 Only beauty can conquer us. We are governed by beauty. 12、美是上帝赐予的礼物。 Beauty is a gift from God. 13、美是力量,微笑是它的剑。 Beauty is power, and a smile is its sword. 14、从我们心中夺走对美的爱,也就夺走了生活的全部魅力。 Take away the love of beauty from our hearts, and take away all the charm of life. 15、追求美而不亵渎美,这种爱是正当的。 The pursuit of beauty without blasphemy is justified. 16、从美的事物中找到美,这就是审美教育的任务。 Finding beauty from beautiful things is the task of aesthetic education. 17、壮美感动着人,优美摄引着人。 Beauty touches people, and beauty attracts people. 18、美的东西总是与人生的幸福和欢乐相连的。 Beauty is always connected with happiness and joy in life. 19、美不是人工造就的,而是天生固有的。 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 Beauty is not created artificially, but innate. 20、美是善良和诚挚之母。 Beauty is the mother of kindness and sincerity. 21、美具有引人向善的作用和力量。 Beauty has the function and power of attracting people to good. 22、美必须干干净净,清清白白,在形象上如此,在内心中更是如此。 Beauty must be clean and innocent, both in image and in mind. 23、美都是从灵魂深处发出的。 Beauty comes from the depths of the soul. 24、美的事物是永恒的喜悦。 Beauty is eternal joy. 25、只有天赋很好的人能够认识并热心追求美的事物。 Only the gifted can recognize and pursue beauty enthusiastically. 26、美是善的标准语汇中的一部分。 Beauty is part of the standard vocabulary of goodness. 27、美是发自内部生命的光。 Beauty is the light from the inner life. 28、我是最美的人,没人能超过我。 I am the most beautiful person, no one can surpass me. 29、善在美的后面,是美的本原。 Good behind beauty is the origin of beauty. 30、不要相信徒有其表的美。 Don't believe in superficial beauty. 31、美到处都有的,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。 Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery. 32、美是艺术的目的和推动力。 Beauty is the purpose and driving force of art. 33、美高于善,善胜过丑。 Beauty is better than goodness, and goodness is better than ugliness. 34、如果你歌颂美,即使你是在沙漠的中心,你也会有听众。 If you praise beauty, even if you are in the middle of the desert, you will have an audience. 35、美若失去魅力,就只是无钩的诱饵。 If beauty loses its charm, it's just a hookless bait. 36、美是生活,而生活就应该是有色彩的。 Beauty is life, and life should be colorful. 37、用劳动来创造美的时候,美才能使人的情操更为高尚。 When labour is used to create beauty, beauty can make people's sentiments more noble. 38、美是道德纯洁、精神丰富和体魄健全的强大源泉。 Beauty is a powerful source of moral purity, spiritual richness and physical integrity. 39、美,是道德上的善的象征。 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 Beauty is the symbol of moral goodness. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b1782fa2df3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b071b076.html