
时间:2022-07-08 12:02:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

It was a time of war, a time when even the air was filled with blood shed. People are living in dire straits, and at the same time, a large number of revolutionary heroes have emerged. What I remember most is the story of the hero Yang Jingyu. In order to consolidate the strategic rear area, the Japanese aggressors increased the strength of the Kwantung Army by more than three times in 1938, and replaced the Puppet Manchurian Army with the Puppet Mongolian Army, strengthening the "crusade" against South Manchuria.

Some non-party mountain armed forces could not help but disintegrate after arduous tests. Yang Jingyu led his troops to break through into Changbai Mountain, set up a dense camp, and persisted in fighting. After the Japanese invaders hit a wall, they launched a blockade and "crusade" in the winter of 1939 when the mountains were closed by heavy snow. Yang Jingyu decided to disperse to break through and preserve its strength. He took 60 people eastward by himself.

Unexpectedly, the staff defected and his whereabouts were exposed.

After the fierce battle, there were only two people left beside him, and they were blocked by the Japanese invaders in the mountains near the logging yard. On February 18th, 1940, two guards went down the mountain to buy food for sacrifice. On February 23rd, Yang Jingyu went down the mountain alone and was besieged. At the end of the war, he died at the age of 35.

The revolutionary spirit of fighting to the last man and serving the country will go down in history and inspire future generations forever. After the artillery fire and war, the Chinese nation remembered the shame and gradually rose. The people will never forget the party and people's army that sacrificed their lives for the people and made great achievements for the reunification, prosperity and democracy of the motherland.

In the 21st century, we have today's happy life, which all depends on the selfless efforts and hard struggle of our ancestors. We should remember that period of history, defy

the glorious mission entrusted to us by our revolutionary ancestors, build our motherland stronger, and make unremitting efforts to realize the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Youth groups are the reserve forces of the party, and as long as the party and the people need it, they will forge ahead bravely.

Once upon a time, standing under the flag raised in Ran Ran and dyed red with the blood of martyrs, we wore bright red scarves and solemnly vowed: always be ready to fight for the cause of communism! Now, as a glorious Communist Youth League member, I have a deeper understanding of the significance of history and remembered the glorious deeds of heroes, which will be a powerful driving force for us to realize the Chinese dream.
