
时间:2022-07-12 12:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
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( ) 1.A. B. ( ) 2.A. B.

( ) 3.A. B. ( ) 4. A. B.

( ) 5.A. B.

二、听录音,给下列句子排序。5分) ( ) We will stay there for five days.

( ) It’s not easy to get up early every morning. ( ) You can see many wild geese here in autumn. ( ) Im going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday. ( ) Lets go to Beijing this summer. 三、听录音,连线。10分)


2. 3. 4. 5.

A. B. C.D.E.

四、听录音,判断下列句子正(T)误(F10分) ( )1. Lily is going to Shanghai. ( )2. Qingdao is in the west of China. ( )3. Lily will collect some shells on the beach. ( )4. Lily's aunt will take them to a big seafood market. ( )5. Lily's aunt lives in Qingdao.



( ) 1. What _____ robots do in the future?

A. do B. will C. are ( ) 2. _____ do you like it?

Because it's fun.

A. Why B. What C. How

( ) 3.What ________ Tony usually do after school? He usually ________ football.

A. do, play OK!

A. try on B. put on C. tidy up —No, it’s not hers. It’s ________. A. Tom’s; mine

B. Alice’s; his C. Danny’s; hers B. does, plays

C. does, play

( ) 4. —What a mess! Let’s ________ the room!

( ) 5. Is this cap ________?

六、根据提示写单词完成句子。10分) 1. My father like reading ______(报纸). 2. Hainan ______(岛)is in the south of China. 3. My mother often buys ______(故事书)for me. 4. Do you want to go to Beijing on ______(假日)? 5. The boy wants to eat ______(海鲜)very much. 6. Let's ______(整理)up the room.

7. The woman and the man ______(站)in front of a magic machine.

8. My friend wants to know about his ______(未来). 9. We like to read books in the______(书房). 10. This umbrella is ______(你的). 七、按要求完成句子。10分)1.

1. I am going to row a boat. (对画线部分提问) _____ are you going to _____?

2. He will travel to Shanghai by plane.(对画线部分提问) _____ _____ he travel to Shanghai? 3. The picture book is hers.(变一般疑问句) _____ the picture book _____?

4. you, thank, for, help, your(.)(连词成句) _______________________________________ 5. Ill be a teacher. (变否定句) I _____ be a teacher.


A. B. C.

D. E.

( )1. Where are you? Im in the study. ( )2. Is Harbin in the north of China? Yes, it is.

( )3. Are you going to buy a newspaper? No, Im going to buy a magazine. ( )4. Whose crayon is it? Its mine. ( )5. Will she wear glasses? Yes, she will. 九、读问句,选答语。 (10)

( ) 1. What are you reading? A. I am going to see a film. ( ) 2. What are you going to do this weekend? B. I’m going to Hainan. ( ) 3. How do you get there? C. By train.

( ) 4. How long will you stay in Australia? D. I am reading a storybook. ( ) 5. Where are we going this summer? E. For a week.

十、补全对话。 (10)

Mr. Lee: Hello, children. What are your plans for the weekend? Linda: I will read books with my mother in the library. Mr. Lee: All Saturday and Sunday?

Linda: Oh, no. On Saturday morning. We will read some books. We will buy some

books on Saturday afternoon.

Steven: Really? I’m going to buy some books too. 1.________ Linda: Of course.

Mr. Lee: And what else are you going to do, Steven? Steven: I’m going to go swimming at the beach. Mr. Lee: Who will you go with? Steven: 2.________

Linda: Are you going to eat seafood? Steven: Of course. 3. ________ Linda: What’s your plan, Mr. Lee? Mr. Lee: 4. ________

Linda: Stay at home? What will you do? Will you watch TV? Mr. Lee: No, Linda. 5. ________


Sanya is on Hainan Island. It is in the south of China. It is warm in winter. Sanya is a great place for families. You can visit the Sea World and you can play on the beaches.

Harbin is in Heilongjiang Province. It is in the north of China. It is very cold in winter. Many people living in the south like to visit Harbin in winter. You should wear warm coats and gloves. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks.

Beijing is not very cold in winter. It sometimes snows. You can visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. You can also have delicious food in Beijing. 1. It is very _____ in Harbin in winter. 2. Harbin is in the _____ of China. 3. We can _____ the Great Wall in Beijing.

4. Sanya is on Hainan Island. It is in the _____ of China. 5. You can play on the _____ in Sanya.

A. I will go with my father. B. I like seafood.

C. Can I go with you? D. I’m going to stay at home. E. I will work on my computer.



一、听录音,选择正确答案。 1. We'll visit the Great Wall. 2. Is this your umbrella? 3. The seafood there tastes great! 4. Are those glasses yours? 5. I like to read magazines. 二、听录音,给下列句子排序。 1. Lets go to Beijing this summer. 2. We will stay there for five days.

3. Im going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday. 4. It’s not easy to get up early every morning. 5. You can see many wild geese here in autumn. 三、听录音,连线。

1. Jill is going to see a film with her mother. 2. Kitty is going to buy a storybook. 3. Peter is going to buy a pair of socks. 4. Joe is going to eat some seafood there. 5. John will fly kites this weekend.


My name is Lily. I'm going to Qingdao with my parents this summer. Qingdao is a very nice city and my aunt lives there. Qingdao is in the east of China. I want to swim in the sea. I will collect some shells on the beach. I will take some nice photos there. My aunt will take us to a big restaurant and we will have delicious seafood. I can't wait to go to Qingdao. 参考答案

一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 二、2 4 5 3 1

三、1. E 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 四、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

五、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B

六、1. newspaper 2. island 3. storybooks 4. holiday 5. seafood 6. tidy 7. stand 8. future 9. study 10. yours

七、1. What; do 2. How will 3. Is; hers 4. Thank you for your help. 5. wont 八、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C 九、1. D 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. B 十、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. E

十一、1. cold 2. north 3. visit 4. south 5. beaches
