英文如何表示关心? 生活中,每个人都会碰到各种困难。好友情绪低落,你该如何表示关心?英文中都有哪些暖心表达?在乎TA,就快点说出来吧! 1. Do you feel better? 你感觉好些吗? 2. Is something bothering you? 有什么不顺心的吗? 3. Take good care of yourself. 多保重。 4. Are you all right? 你没事吧? 5. I'm here for you. 我会陪着你的。 6. Do you want a hug? 抱一下吧? 7. We'll get through this together. 我们一起来共度难关。 8. You are important to me. 对于我,你很重要。 9. Things will get better. 情况会好起来的。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b39d78ae08a1284ac85043b1.html