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(1)表时间顺序的过渡词:firstsecondthirdand thenfinallybeforeafter a few daysat lastat that timelaterin the pastimmediatelyin the meanwhile等等。

(2)表空间顺序的过渡词:near(to)far(from)in the front ofbesidebehindbeyondabovebelowto the rightto the lefton one sideon the other side ofoutside等等。

(3)表并列的过渡词:alsoandthentooas well(as)等等。

(4)表转折的过渡词:butyethoweverin spite ofotherwise等等。 (5)表递进的过渡词:what' s morebesideswhat' s worsein additionfurthermoremoreoveragain等等。

(6)表目的的过渡词:for this reasonfor this purposeso thatin order thatso as toin order to等等。

(7)表因果的过渡词:becausesincesoas a resultthereforethusas等等。 (8)表解释说明的过渡词:for examplein factin this caseforactually等。

(9)表条件的过渡词:as long asso long a5on condition thatifunless等。

(10)表让步的过渡词:thoughaseven ifthoughwho(whatwhenwhere)ever等等。

(11)表总结的过渡词:in briefas has been statedin a word等等。

(12)过渡性插入语:I thinkI' m afraidyou knowas we all know等等。 ()造句

2. 充分利用教材中特有的句型、句式、语法造句。


It' s+ adj. +for sb. to do sth. “对某人来讲,做某事是„„”。如: It' s difficult for a child to do the job without help. It' s no goodusedoing sth. 做某事没好处/用处 It' s no use giving him any more money.

It is(has been)+时间+since„自从„„好长时间了 It is(has been)5 years since he joined the army. It' s not long before„不久„„

It will not be long before be comes back. It iswaswhothat„强调句型

It was yesterday that we visited the factory. It seems that„好像„„

It seems that she is happy. She seems happy. I dont thinkbelieveexpect(that)„我认为„„不

I dont think I know you.

Would you like sth. to do sth. ?做„„好吗? Would you like to have a cup of tea? 下了眼泪。
