中考英语作文范文 给Bill的小建议

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中考英语作文范文 Bill的小建议

假如你是Mike,你的朋友Bill近来身体状况不好,他常感觉很疲劳,晚上也休息不好。知道此事后,你很担心,于是给他写了一封信。在信中,你向他提了一些建议,告诉他如何调整好状态。请根据以上汉语提示和下面的英语提示词语完成此信,信的开头和结尾已给出。提示词语: feel well, tired, too much yin,yang foods, beef, music, exercise, go to bed early, shouldn ’t, studyDear Bill,Yours,MikeDear Bill,I ’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. You often feel tired. You can ’t sleep well at night. Maybe you have too much yin. I think you should eat some yang foods, like beef, and you should eat healthy food every day. You should also listen to music to relax yourself. You should exercise to stay healthy. You should go to bed early and you shouldn ’t study when you feel tired.I hope you will feel better soon.Yours,Mike
