七年级英语下册 Unit 2 It’s Show Time Lesson 12 A Blog abo

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Lesson 12 A Blog about the Silk Road

班级 姓名 小组 等级 【学习目标】

1.我要掌握单词和句型:online, especially, treasure, end,product, worth--- ; go/get online--

2.通过学习,我要学会用博客记录自己的学习生活经历 【学习过程】

一、自主学习 (一)自学指导

1.熟记单词,完成自学检测(1 2.读课文,完成自学检测(2)Let’s do it (二)自学检测


1____________________2_____________________3__________________ 4____________________5___________________ 6__________________ 7____________________8___________________ .读课文,找出并翻译下列短语:

11. Have a good time __________ 2.on ones trip to --- ________--_______ 3.________ 4.make a suggestion __________ 5.live in ---______--- 6.make ones living _______ 7.get back ______

(三)我的疑惑 请你将自学和测试过程中的疑惑提出来,并在班内解决。_______ 二、合作探究 学法指导:先结合例句独立思考,然后在小组长的带领下探究本课的知识点,不明白的作出标记,然后提交班内解决。

探究一:____________________________________.(李明的丝绸之路之旅过的很愉快) had have“有” 的过去式, had a good time “玩的愉快” havethere be 区别

have表示拥有主语一般是人或物,第三人称单数用has其他人称用have如:I have a dog. She has a cat.

there be. 表示某地有某物,如:There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。单数用there is,复数用there are。并且有就近原则,如:There is a book and two pens on the desk.. There are two pens and a book on the desk.

: I saw and experienced a lot on the trip.________________________ experience 动词或名词,动词:“体验,感受”;名词“经验(不可数)经历(可数) 探究三:___________________________.(中国的历史在这些地方表现的栩栩如生。) aliveliving的区别 alive 活着的,在世的,存在的;有生气的; 常作表语, 如:Is the dog alive or dead? 那条狗是活的还是死的? living 活着的,表示有生命的,常作定语,如:living things 生物


in a new way 用一种新的方式; in a way 在某种程度上;在某点上;从某方面来看。探究五: _____________________________________. 这有几张我旅游的照片。 这是一个完全倒装句。一般来说,地点副词herethere位于句首,多采用倒装形式。当句子主语是名词时,需用,即:Here\ there +谓语动词+主语(名词),如:Here comes the bus. (车来了)。当句子主语是代词时,需用完全倒装,即:Here\ there +主语(代词)+谓语动词。Here it is.(给你。

探究六:_________________________________(这张照片是在西安照的。) take a picture = take a photo,照相 take pictures = take photos 照相

探究七:_________________________________.(我喜欢吃兰州拉面。) love 喜欢 love + 名词\ 代词 如:I love you. 我爱你。 love + doing sth. love + to do sth. 如:She loves singing. She loves to sing. 她爱唱歌。 当堂训练 Ⅰ.词语运用

1. He is_____()a camel. 2.I e________ a lot on the trip.

3.The history of China is so a_________. 4 Someone has some _________ ().

5.She has her _______(自己的)idea. Ⅱ.选择填空

1. There____ four books and a pencil on the desk. A. is B. am C. are D. be

2. Here _____some photos from my trip A. is B. be C. am D. are

3. She loves______. A. sings B. sung C. to sing D. sing

4. John ______ playing basketball. He likes football.

A. isn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. don’t like D.doesn’t like

5. I hope _____ some pictures in Dunhuang. A. take B. taking C. took D. to take Ⅲ. 连词成句

1. eyes my opened trip The___________________. 2.suggestions 3.things




have China

Does about

any realized

___________________________ ________________________.

4.these in alive of places China The is so history _______________ . 5.on









___________________. 四、自我反思

1.我的收获 2.我的易错点_____________________________________________________________
