姓名 通信地址:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 移动电话:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 固定电话: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 教 育 背 景 09/2005-至今 学校名称 财务管理 06/2009拿到学士学位 GPA: 3.0/4.0 70%的专业课采用英语授课 09/2006-至今 学校名称 第二专业 金融学(国际银行业务) 奖 项 荣 誉 校优秀学生奖学金一等奖 (3%) 百优“学术”标兵(5%) 金融案例分析大赛第二名 (校级) (3%) 世界特殊奥林匹克运动会志愿者证书 大学生社会实践《调查国企发展状况》第三名(10%) JA国际青年志愿者证书(10%) 实 习 经 历 03/2008-05/2008 澳大利亚艾特斯热系统研发有限公司 实习生财务出纳 填写,整理并装订公司期间各类凭证和保管公司各类财务文件的放置. 每日负责并审核30多份企业个人报销和因公司业务产生的银行付款. 熟练运用金蝶财务软件进行全英语的现金付款和银行付款的日记账登记工作. 07/2007-08/2007 上海银行石泉支行 公金业务柜面实习生 学习银行公司金融业务的相关知识和基本流程:从收凭证到记凭证到核凭证. 核实文件,整理客户信用资料,帮助客户办理基本业务. 了解银行出纳所做的工作和须承担的义务,并进行银行出纳人员的实际操作验钞工作. 01/2007-02/2007 SVA广电电子上海海晶电子股份有限公司 财务助理 帮助公司出纳员填写各类凭证如:贷记凭证,支票的盖章和负责抄写借贷账目. 负责到公司开户行领取银行回单和大额现金,购买公司货币支付方式之一的支票. 协助公司财务部进行年度审计工作,了解2007年新实施的企业会计准则. 课 外 活 动 10/2007-12/2007 金融案例分析大赛第二名 (校级) 队长 运用衡量股价的DDM模型和必要收益率的CAPM模型,分别从宏、微观角度分析2007年 的房地产行业,最终得出中国房地产泡沫严重的结论. 运用现金流量模型分析项目可行性和为公司制定营销“4P”模型进行全英语案例分析. 09/2007-10/2007 第12届世界特殊奥林匹克运动会 美国足球队生活类志愿者队长 通知球队每日行程和注意事项,负责组织球队业余活动,鼓动志愿者和球员不断交流. 作为组委会和球队沟通媒介,及时将教练和球员意愿上报,带领20余名队员在比赛之余游玩上海,留下美好印象. 05/2007-06/2007 大学生社会实践《调查国企发展状况》第三名 项目负责人 组建11人团队,成功联系两大国有企成为项目活动地点,活动中组织和协调对队员时间. 根据国企改革的大背景和当前经济形式负责项目课题招标书. 通过实地考察,相关项目中文件的整合等方式确定课题总结报告,获得活动第三名. 03/2007-05/2007 JA国际青年成就组织《国际市场》课程 课程志愿者 每周一次课程教学.用浅显的语言为初中生讲述最基本的经济知识,如:货币的故事等. 以多样化的上课方式教授知识,便于学生更好地理解.如:为自己设计衣服讲述附加值. 课程结束时受到学生的欢迎,得到由JA志愿者部颁发的志愿者证书. 其 他 信 息 英语 大学英语六级 优秀 英语基础知识扎实、具备很强的听、说、读、写和翻译能力. 计算机 全国计算机等级二级 优秀 熟练掌握EXCEL,POWERPOINT办公自动化软件和ACCPAC财务软件. Name Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mobile Phone: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tel No. (Home): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Education 09/2005-Present Name of college Financial Management GPA: 3.0/4.0 70% courses are taught in English 09/2005-Present Name of college Second Major Finance Honor and Awards Excellent Students Scholarship Rank One (3%) School Academic Model (5%) No.2 in Financial Case Analysis Contest (Interscholastic) (3%) No.3 College Students Social Practice (10%) Certificate of Junior Achievement (10%) Intern Experience 03/2008-05/2008 Australian Air International Thermal Systems R& D Co., Ltd Intern Finance Cashier Seal, clear up and bind vouchers in periods of company and keep accounting materials safe. Check thirty files of petty payments and bank payments for company business everyday. Use the Kindee financial software to record bank and cash journal entry in English familiarly. 07/2007-08/2007 Bank of Shanghai ShiQuan Branch Intern in wholesale banking Study the wholesale banking process—the receipts, record and check vouchers. Confirm all kinds of files, clean clients credit data and help clients to transact basic business. Know the teller duty in workday and practise these operations such as checking money. 01/2007-02/2007 SVA Electron Shanghai Hai Jing Electron Co., Ltd. Financial Assistant Help the cashier to seal and record all kinds of vouchers in the workdays. Be in charge of drawing and large amount of cash, buying cheques for the company. Assist to conduct annual audit, comprehend the new accounting principles in 2007. Extra Curricular Activities 10/2007-12/2007 No.2 in Financial Case Analysis Contest (Interscholastic) Leader Analyze the real estate from macroeconomics and microeconomics with the CAPM and DDM model then conclude a serious bubble in China real estate in 2007. Use the NPV method to decide the feasibility of project and design strategy with “4P” in marketing to analyze cases in English, get No.2 with teammates in the end. 09/2007-10/2007 The 12th World Special Olympic Games Volunteer Leader Serve in the American football team as a serving volunteer. Announce the team arrangements about games as the captain of the volunteer team. Solve the requirements of the team in time such as guiding them to visit Shanghai. 07/2007-08/2007 College Students Social Practice–Research into the Reform in State-enterprises Organizer Confirm the angle of research direction, objectives and contents with teammates. Announce the team activities to the superior as a reporter on time. Finish the project through the way of Internet discussion and visitation on the spot. 03/2007-05/2007 JA (Junior Achievement) – the course of International Marketplace Volunteer Teach basic economics concepts to junior school students in the simplest language. Diversified and interesting teaching styles to make students know knowledge. Get the volunteer certificate of Junior Achievement due to the esteem of students. Additional Information English CET-6 Excellent Well-knit English knowledge with the ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing Computer National Computer Rank Examination Certificate Grade Two Excellent Frequent user of EXCEL and POWERPOINT office software and ACCPAC financial software 本文来源: