[钢琴曲用英语怎么说]美妙的钢琴曲旋律英语怎么说 钢琴曲用英语怎么说 钢琴曲用英语怎么说 钢琴曲是指用钢琴弹奏的乐曲,有时还配以其它的乐器同时演奏。许 多作曲家都为古钢琴作曲,这时的曲子就是最早的钢琴曲。例如巴赫、享德尔和 斯卡拉蒂的钢琴曲,都是为古钢琴的。海顿、莫扎特的大量作品和贝多芬的一些 作品,也都是为古钢琴作的。所以在古钢琴普遍被现代钢琴取代之后,到了十九、 二十世纪之交,甚至在当代,又有少数钢琴家重新提倡使用古钢琴。那么你知道 钢琴曲用英语怎么说吗下面来学习一下吧。 钢琴曲英语说法1: piano music 钢琴曲英语说法2: Pianolude 钢琴曲的相关短语: 蹩脚钢琴曲 Lame Executant 钢琴曲库 PIANO BANK 未知钢琴曲 RAP REMIX 科恩的钢琴曲 Kevin Kern -In My Life 粤调钢琴曲 Piano Music of Cantonese Tune ; piano music of cantonese tune 卡农钢琴曲 Variations On The Canon ; canon in 弹一支钢琴曲 play a piano piece 古典钢琴曲精选 Best-Loved Piano Classics 死亡华尔兹钢琴曲 death waltz 钢琴曲的英语例句: 1. You inspired me by playing the piano so beautifully.你弹奏的优美的钢琴曲激发了我的灵感. 2. He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano. 他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定把作品改编成钢琴曲。 3. This music for the violin is also arranged for the piano. 这首小提琴曲也可改写成钢琴曲. 4. She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲. 5. Gershwin: So from Porgy and Bess for Piano. 格什温: 不消这样,取自音乐剧《波吉与贝丝》,俗称黑人“卡门”(钢琴 曲). 6. The piano music has been rearranged following Shaanxi folk songs. 这首钢琴曲是根据陕北民歌改编的. 7. Gershwin: Necessarily So from Porgy and Bess for Piano. 格什温: 没必要如此,取自音乐剧《波吉与贝丝》,俗称黑人“卡门”(钢 琴曲). 8. Do have pleasant to hear piano music ( light music ) 有没有好听的钢琴曲 ( 轻音乐 ) 9. The music for the violin has been arranged for the piano. 这部小提琴曲已被改写成钢琴曲. 10. The hostess finally prevailed upon her distinguished guest to play the piano. 女主人最终说服了贵客弹奏钢琴曲. 11. Please bring my piano notebook here next time you come.请你下次来的时候把我的钢琴曲练习本拿来. 12. A difficult piano piece full of sharps and flats. 有很多升半音、降半音难度很大的钢琴曲. 13. And Cheng was simply magnificent, the perfect close to China“s big show. 而程菲(钢琴曲黄河)近乎华贵的表演, 完美地结束了中国的大汇展. 14. Peter can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 彼得能不看乐谱弹奏最难的钢琴曲. 15. He plays excellent jazz piano. 他弹爵士钢琴曲弹得好极了. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b69ff8bbf21dc281e53a580216fc700aba685261.html