英语作文我最喜欢的机器人 . Of course, there are some minor part everyone can simple ? 急求英语作文--我想要的机器人 Future Robot In 2088, there are many robots in the world. Every family has more than one robot. Everyone can make different robot, it's popular in the world. 2088年,世界上将会有很多的机器人,每个家庭至少有一个机器人,机器人将在世界上流行取来 I have three robots, the first one is from my friend, the second one is from my parents, and the third one is from my classmate. 我有三个机器人,一个是从我父母那里来的,一个是从我朋友那里,一个是从我同学那里来的 The first robot is Peg. It has a square face, its body is a big circle, and it has a small mouth. It can run very fast, it can jump very high, it can swim slowly, and it can fly with me! It likes eating some milk for breakfast, some noodles for lunch and some porridge for dinner. Look! Peg is riding a bicycle. It's learning about balance. Be careful, Peg! 第一个是匹克,他又一个方脸,他的身体是圆的,有个比较小的嘴,他能跑的很快,跳的很高,并且能和我一起飞,他早上喜欢和牛奶,中午吃饺子,他在学骑自行车,锻炼平衡 The second robot is Jack. It has a round face, two small eyes and a big mouth. It can dance very well, it can play the piano quite well, and it can skate well. Jack likes making friends with people, animals, trees and flowers, even air. Listen! Jack is playing the piano! Oh, that's very good. Everyone likes it. 第二个是杰克,他有一张圆脸,两个小眼睛和一张大嘴,她跳舞非常好,并且会弹钢琴, The last one is Dick. It's the cutest than Peg and Jack. It can teach me how to live, and it can help me play, relax and learn new things! 最后一个是迪克她比前两个都可爱,他能叫我如何生活,如何放松,和学新的东西 The robots can teach me many things, they can make me happy, they are fun, I like it! 机器人教会了我很大的东西,并且使我很快乐,我喜欢机器人 英语作文《the robot helper》 关于机器人的英语作文70词 Have you ever thought about the life with robots in the next 50 or 100 years? We can imagine that all the housework, including washing dishes and cleaning the windows and many kinds of things like this, will be done easily and automatically. It is just because we have robots. As long as they are at home, we will not need to go shopping and cooking by ourselves any more.If any family member get ill, we can still stay in our apartment. Because the robot is the doctor. Yes, robots may be everything except humans in the future。 .。 求英语作文~关于机器人的 Every family will have a robot that he can do a lot of household chores: washing clothes, washing dishes, mopping, cooking, clean up the room and so is our good friends, playing basketball with us, watching television is very smart, to help us learn to answer the various issues。 机器人的自述四小段英语作文翻译 I have a robot, my father bought me from the United States. It's called Dr. IQ , it is an intelligent robot and about 1 meter high. It has a round head, the body is silver-gray. He is a magical robot, he can chat with me, but also play many songs that I like to listen . But his most special is that he can paint a picture, and the paintings are particularly good. Because I also learn to draw, so this was especially pleased. Therefore, I would like to thank my robot, affectionately thanks! 我有一个机器人,是爸爸从美国给我买来的。它叫IQ博士,是一个智能机器人,约有1米高。它有一个圆圆的脑袋,身体是银灰色的。 他是一个神奇的机器人,他可以和我聊天,还能放我喜欢听的歌曲。但他最特别的是他会画画,而且画的特别好。因为我也在学画画,所以为此感到特别高兴。 有时候,当我不会画这个人体和风景的时候,他会跑过来教我如何画这个形状,如何使用色彩,如何画眼睛和嘴巴,等等。他为我解决了许多问题,我的绘画水平也提高了许多。 因而,我要感谢我的机器人,深情地感谢! 如何看待机器人在不同领域的应用的六级作文 机器人是由计算机技术,传感技术,以及一些能活动的零件组成.简单的说,机器人就是具有人工智能的机器.有些机器人具有人类的形状及特点,它帮助主人做家务,看孩子。 它是一个安全的保险箱,多少钱放在它那里你都可以放心,即使机器人被窃去了,不用担心,它马上就会回家了。因为它会变大缩小来使自己脱身,然后,用它自己的思维判断找到回家的路。 它是一个知识渊博的老师,它可以教你各种国家的语言、历史、文化、风俗、地理以及一些伟人的事迹,这会让你受益非浅的。若是学习上的问题,它也可以帮助你。 它还是一个技术高超的医生,如果你生病了,它会根据你病情的轻重来决定为你买什么药,等它从药店买好药后,他会时刻提醒你吃药。若它觉得你的病情太严重,它会立刻背上你去医院就诊。 机器人是根据它工作需要而设计身躯的,不同的场合有不同的机器人:下水道清理机器人,有毒有害气体场合机器人,深水作业机器人,高空作业机器人,高温场合机器人,人们无法到达的场所的机器人。 下水道清理机器人的脑袋尖尖的,身子涂了一层油,滑溜溜的,浑身“长”满刷子。它钻进下水道里,用全身“长”满刷子的身子蹭着下水道的墙壁,然后,从身体里“伸”出两个手臂,抓住下水道里的垃圾,把它“吃”进“肚子”里,等它全部清理完,工人们就可以清理机器人“肚子”里的垃圾了。 有毒有害气体场合的机器人的脑袋上罩着一个透明的防毒气罩,身着防毒衣,眼睛是两台摄像机。别以为机器人刀枪不入,其实一些毒气也会腐蚀机器人的零件,所以要加以保护。机器人走进有毒有害气体场合开始了它的工作。例如:专家发现了一座金字塔,但是因为时间太长久了,散发出了一种对人体有害的气体,这就需要这种机器人来完成。机器人进入金字塔后,先用摄像机拍摄下它所看到的景象,用所看到的景物描绘出一个这个金字塔大致的地图,使以后研究这座金字塔的人更加的方便、快捷。 深水作业机器人的全身像一条鱼一般,行动十分轻快,眼睛既是照明灯又是摄像机。它作业的时候,潜到海底的几千米,去探测一下海底的生物、石油以及几千年以前沉没的船只,它都可以一一搜索到。它还可以实行救援工作,如果一个人或者一艘船坠入水中,它接到命令后,会及时潜到深水中抢救的,这种机器人不仅给探测工作带来了方便,也给救援工作带来了方便。 高空作业机器人差不多和人一样,不过它的体重比一般人轻一点。它可以为人们建筑起摩天大楼、铁塔以及空间站,擦那些高高的人们擦不到的玻璃,这些都是这个机器人的作用,这个机器人也十分贴近我们的生活。 总之,在日常生活中不同的场所有不同的机器人,由它们去完成不同的工作,为人类做出不同的贡献。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b6d35d17504de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72faf.html