一见钟情的英语 一见钟情的英文fall in love at first sight。love,中文解释为爱情,喜爱。爱是一种发乎人内心的情感,在中文里有着很多解释,由某种事物给予人少许满足(如我爱进食这些食物)至为了爱某些东西而死(如爱国心、对偶结合)。 例句: 1、他们一见钟情。 They fall in love at first sight. 2、第三部分是运用社会学的理论知识对情感契合、社会资源匹配和一见钟情三种择偶标准和自由恋爱、相亲和选择媒介三种择偶方式的产生进行了解读。 The third part is the application of sociological theories of emotion knowledge with social resources matching, and "fall in love at first sight" three standards and free love, dating and the choice of media three generation of manner. 3、她对他一见钟情。 She had taken a liking to him on their first meeting. 4、他俩一见钟情。 They fell for each other instantly. 5、我知道这听起来像陈词滥调,然而的确是一见钟情啊! I know it sounds corny, but it really was love at first sight! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b7568730aa8271fe910ef12d2af90242a895abe4.html