A:刘戈阳 B:崔耀升 C:陈婧 D:杨春 A:让我们今天来聊聊关于爱的话题。我的朋友们,让我先问一个问题,们认为金钱和友谊和爱情三者哪个最重要? A: let's talk about the topic of love today. My friends, let me ask you a question, what do you think of money and friendship, and love all three is the most important? B:我认为金钱最重要。你难道没听说过吗?没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益。在当今社会,没有钱你就活不下去,更别说什么友谊和爱情了 B:I think the money the most importan. Do not you heard? Are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. C:哦,我反对你的看法。我认为爱情是最重要的。当然,友谊也很重要。 C:oh, I am against you. I think the love is the most important. Of course, friendship is also very important. A:为什么呢? A: why? C:毕竟爱人才是陪你度过一生的人,我想除了父母以外,他就是我最值得信任的人了。 C: after all, love is to accompany you through life, in addition to parents, he is the most trusted people. D:好吧,我的意见可能和你们有些不同。在我看来,我更加看重友谊,可靠的朋友在你困难的时候可以帮助你,当然,我也反感那些虚伪的朋友。 D: well, I may be a little different with you. In my opinion, friendship is more important to me, reliable friend can help you when you are in trouble.Of course, I also dislike false friends. A:也许吧,(To D)但爱情呢? A: maybe. (To D) but love? D:或许我还不懂爱情的真谛吧,所以我就不做评价了。 D: maybe I still don't understand the true meaning of love, so I will not talk about that. A:好吧,小伙伴们,刚才我们说到了亲情。你们能够谈谈关于亲情的看法吗? A: well, friends, just now we talked about the family. Can you have your opinion about the family? B:我的父母从小就教育我要变得强大,我感谢他们教会了我如何做一个强大的人。现在他们也逐渐老了,现在该是我回报他们的时候了。 B:since the childhood,my parents educates me to be strong. I thank them for teaching me how to be a strong person. A:或许这也是你看重钱的一个原因吧。 A: maybe this is one reason you value money. C:我的父母很疼爱我。毫无疑问他们也是我的至爱。但现在我还不知道该怎么回报。我只能说,我们的父母太伟大了。 C: my parents love me very well. There is no doubt that they are also my ain true love. But now I don't know how to pay back. I can only say, our parents are too great. A:绝大多数的父母都是爱他们的孩子的,他们把他们最好的都留给了自己的孩子。( To D)你呢? A: the majority of parents are love their children, they put their best for their children. (To D) what about you? D:我最近看了“爸爸去哪儿”,一档关于亲情的节目。在我看来,亲情永远是最重要的。 百善孝为先,我想不管如何,我们都要好好孝敬我们的父母。 D: I recently watched "where do we go,dad", a show about the family. In my opinion, the family is the most important forever.Amoung all the good deeds,filial piety comes first., I think no matter how, we all should threat well to our parents. A:好吧,看来大家都把亲情看的很重要。我同样也赞成你们的看法。关于最后后一个问题,你们会怎么用英语表达表达“我爱你”呢? A: well, it seems everyone regard the familyas importance. I also agree with your point of view. About the last question, how would you express "I love you"in English? B:月亮代表我的心。 B:The moonlight stands for my heart! C:你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 C:You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you. D:一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 D:For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. A:大家都很有才啊。不过就到此结束我们的对话吧。 A: everyone is talented. Let’s end our conversation. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b7c216a2a1116c175f0e7cd184254b35eefd1a16.html