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. 听录音,选出你所听到的字母。(10) ( )1.A. O B. P C. R ( ) 2. A. D B. H C .I ( ) 3.A. F B. V C. S ( ) 4.A.T B.Y C. ( ) 5.A.m B.n C.p ( )6.A.f B.d C.t ( )7.A. u B. y C. e ( ) 8. A. t B. o C. q ( )9.A.g B. d C. h ( ) 10. A. n B. u C. p

.听录音,判断对错(10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10) ( )1.A. A panda lives in a forest B. A mondey lives in a tree ( )2.A. A bird lives in a tree . B. A tiger eats meat . ( )3.A. There are ten monkeys . B. There are two monkeys . ( )4. A. Cows eat grass B. Monkey s eat bananas ( )5.A. Where does a fish live ? B. Where does a panda live ? 笔试部分


.看图片,补全单词,并将单词与相应图片连线。(10) p da m key r er tr e phant

六、看图, 把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 (10) ( ) 1. A. on the desk B. under the desk ( )2. A. two birds B. three rabbits ( )3. A. chicken B.duck ( )4. A. river B. grass ( )5. A. wolf B. bear 1. 2. 3. 3 4. 5. 七、选择填空(10)

( )1. I’m hungry. I want to _____________. A. eat B. drink

( )2. I’m thirsty! I want to ______________. A. eat B. drink

( )3. Would you like some soup ,Jenny ? A. Yes, please! B. Thank you.

( )4. What’s your favourite food ?_____. A. Meat. B. Pen.

( )5. Where does a fish live? In a _______ A. tree B. river

( )6. big 的反义词 _______. A. small B. thin

( )7. fat的反义词_________. A. small B. thin ( )8. The cow eats . A. meat B. grass ( )9.--- this? ---It’s a pig. A. What’s B. Where

( )10.--- a cow fly ? ---No , It can’t .

A. Can B. Are 八、连线(10) fish 鸭子 1 five cow 2 four duck 3 three cat 4 two pig 5 one

九、请在四线格中规范抄写些列句子。(10) 1. Horses eat grass. 2. A monkey lives in a tree. 3. A fish lives in a river. 4. Its ears are long. 5.A horse can run.

十、读句子,句子意思正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。(10) 1. A horse can fly . 2.Fish can swim . 3.Tigers eat meat . 4.Panadas eat fish .

5. This is an elephant . Its nose is long .
