关于金钱的英语词聚集锦 关于金钱的英语词汇-集锦 导语:金钱是我们在日常生活中最常见的,也是最常用的一个词语。下面是为您收集的关于金钱的英语词汇,欢送阅读! determine that aounts are in balance, bring the two sides into equilibrium, settle an aount by paying what is due 确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户 The aountant says he can’t balance the books till our last check clears. 会记说上次的票款清理后才能给我们结账。 earn a salary, make money for your family 挣钱养家 When our parents died in an aident, and my sister and I remained alone, I had to leave college andbring home the bacon. 父母意外死亡时,我和妹妹还没成家。所以我不得不辍学养家。 share the cost of something 共同支付 When I wanted to settle the bill, she insisted on going Dutch and pay for her meal. 就在我准备结账时,她坚持一起支付,并把自己那份饭钱给了我。 a source of easy money, a job that pays a lot with little work 轻易得来的钱,赚钱的清闲差事 My brother took up a job in a beach restaurant and hoped to get on board the gravy train, but in fact he had to work more than in a factory. 我哥哥在沙滩边的'餐馆工作,原本以为自己找到了一份赚钱的清闲差事,可实际上,那儿的儿比工厂还多。 savings, money kept in reserve 积蓄、贮备金 Don’t worry about the job you lost. We have a little nest egg to live on until you find another. 别担忧失业后的生活。我们还有一些积蓄能撑到你找到新工作。 cheat in aounting, manipulate financial records 伪造或篡改财务报表 Nobody noticed that one of the managers was cooking the books until the pany got totally bankrupt. 直到公司 破产以后,公司有一位经理做假账的事才被人发现。 a (large) sum of money paid to an employee when he/she leaves the firm 支付给员工的一大笔离职金 Grandfather didn’t really want to retire too early, but he couldn’t resist the golden handshake that the pany offered. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b8293f0db80d4a7302768e9951e79b8969026891.html