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沙拉的英语单词:salad [ˈsæləd] [ˈsæləd]沙拉相关英语表达:鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad大虾沙拉 prawn salad甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad萝沙拉 Pineapple salad桔子沙拉 orange salad番茄沙拉 tomato salad沙拉的英语单词例句:1. A Couple of drumsticks and one coleslaw, please.请给我两双鸡腿,一份生菜沙拉.2. While herbalists make dandelion into tincture, the leaves can be eaten raw in salad or steamed with the flowers and eaten like vegetables.草药专家把蒲公英制成药剂, 而它的叶子可以拌入生菜沙拉中生吃或与花一起煮了当蔬菜吃.3. You should change your diet, and eat more salads, fruit, and vegetables.你应该改变你的食谱, 吃更多沙拉, 水果和蔬菜.4. How much oil do you need for the salad?沙拉你需要多少油?5. What do we need for the fruIt'salad?做水果沙拉你需要 什么 ?6. I'll make some fruIt'salad.我要做一些水果沙拉.7. I'll have the chef's salad , please.我要主厨沙拉.8. I'd love the crab salad.我要蟹肉沙拉.9. May I bring you a salad?要不要来点沙拉 ?10. Well, the crab salad's always a big hit., 蟹肉沙拉一向是广受欢迎的.11. Susan, would you like the crab salad?Susan, 要不要蟹肉沙拉?12. I am not fond of salad.我不喜欢吃沙拉.13. I bought some green peppers for the salad.

我买了些青辣椒做沙拉.14. Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches?放鸡肉沙拉三明治的袋子在哪?15. I'm going to need some lemon juice too to put on the salad.我需要一些柠檬汁放到沙拉里.
