关于行动的英语名言 1、世间所以美丽的情感,都抵不过一次实际行动。爱,需要行动。 All the beautiful emotions in the world can not withstand a real action. Love needs action. 2、争取,行动,没有行动就没有结果。 Strive, act, no action, no result. 3、人们往往用至诚的外表和虔敬的行动,掩饰一颗魔鬼般的心。 People often hide a devilish heart with sincere appearance and devout action. 4、唯有梦想才配让你不安,唯有行动才能解除你的不安。 Only dreams deserve to upset you, and only actions can relieve you. 5、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb. 6、智者生活于行动之中,而不是去思考行动,也不是去思考行动之后的结果。 The wise man lives in action, not thinking about action, nor thinking about the result of action. 7、改变源于行动,行动是不断的重复,不断的坚持。 Change comes from action. Action is a constant repetition and persistence. 8、语言代替不了行动,行动才是最响亮的语言。 Language cannot replace action, action is the loudest language. 9、爱能用行动表明。哪怕不采取任何行动,仅仅只是怀有这样的心情也是好的。 Love can be shown by action. Even without taking any action, it's good to just be in such a mood. 10、一次的行动胜于百遍的胡思乱想,成功的关键在于行动。 One action is better than a hundred times of fantasy. The key to success is action. 11、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。 People don't fail because they don't have faith, but because they can't turn faith into action and stick to it. 12、生命的第一个行动是创造的行动。 The first action of life is the action of creation. 13、行动不一定成功,不行动一定失败。 Action is not necessarily successful, but failure. 14、行动不一定带来幸福,不行动就肯定没有幸福。 Action does not necessarily bring happiness, and there is no happiness without action. 15、人,要敢想敢做,有想法就去行动,一但冲动的想法淡了,行动力也就 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 弱了。 People should dare to think and dare to act if they have ideas, but once the impulsive ideas fade away, their action will be weak. 16、生活就是行动,不行动等于死亡。 Life is action, not action is death. 17、不要等到明天,明天太遥远,今天就行动。 Don't wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is too far away. Act today. 18、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 Every great action and thought has a small beginning. 19、我从不担心行动的危险,我更担心不行动的危险。 I never worry about the danger of action. I worry more about the danger of inaction. 20、没有行动的构想是白日梦,没有构想的行动是噩梦! No action is a daydream, no action is a nightmare! 21、生活就是行动,而行动就是斗争。 Life is action, and action is struggle. 22、心想事成,有求必应。宇宙喜欢快速行动,不要拖延,不要猜测,立即行动! Everything you want will be done. The universe likes to act quickly. Don't delay, don't guess, act immediately! 23、最笨的猪有行动的权利。成功赐给每日个人的机会一样,关键看行动。 The stupidest pig has the right to act. Success gives everyday individuals the same opportunity. The key is action. 24、人生为棋,我愿为卒,行动虽慢,可谁曾见我后退一步? Life as chess, I would like to die, although slow action, but who ever saw me step back? 25、要像行动者那样思考,要像思考者那样行动。 Think like an actor, act like a thinker. 26、行动不一定带来快乐,而无行动则决无快乐。 Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but no action can bring happiness. 27、最万能的语言是服务,最简短的回答是行动! The most omnipotent language is service, the shortest answer is action! 28、只在行动中等待,不以等待为行动! Wait in action, not in action! 29、每个人都知道,把语言化为行动,比把行动化为语言困难得多。 Everyone knows that it is much more difficult to translate language into action than to translate action into language. 30、现实告诉我们:梦想就要行动,行动就要坚持。 Reality tells us: Dreams need action and actions need persistence. 31、既然已经选择,没有什么行不行,可不可以!只有干不干,行动不行动! Now that you have chosen, there is nothing wrong, can you? Only do not do, do not act! 32、真正的自由,不是指你有多宽的空间可以行动,而是有多少心情被了解。 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 Real freedom does not mean how much space you have to move, but how many feelings you have to understand. 33、没有行动的爱情是可耻的,比它更可耻的则是没有行动的理想。 Love without action is shameful, but even more shameful is the ideal without action. 34、最好的威胁是不采取行动,一旦采取行动却没收到效果,人们就不再怕威胁了。 The best threat is not to take action. Once action is taken without effect, people are no longer afraid of threats. 35、人们总得有行动,即使找不到行动也得创造行动。 People always have to act, even if they can't find it, they have to create it. 36、唯有行动,才能解除你所有的不安。 Only action can relieve all your worries. 37、思考永远比行动更重要,没有思考的行动叫自动。 Thinking is always more important than action. Action without thinking is called automation. 38、行动之前必须充分地酝酿;一旦定下决心,就应该果敢行动。 Action must be fully brewed before it is taken; once you have made up your mind, you should act decisively. 39、想法总是在路上,而行动却在起点,想法总是很美好,而行动却很迟缓! Thoughts are always on the way, but actions are at the starting point. Thoughts are always good, but actions are slow! 40、把语言化为行动,远是比你把行动化为语言困难得多。 It is much more difficult to translate language into action than to translate action into language. 41、光是知道要坚持和努力是没有用的,如果没有决心和行动力,最后又会回到原点。 It is useless to know that perseverance and hard work are necessary. If there is no determination and motivation, we will eventually return to the original point. 42、肤浅学习法广泛涉猎快乐行动,那么重点是行动和实践! Shallow learning is widely involved in happy action, so the focus is action and practice! 43、有行动的梦想才能称之为梦想,没有行动的梦想只能称为梦。 Dreams with action can be called dreams, dreams without action can only be called dreams. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b94c87e12a160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52a9dee.html