That year in the falling snow blossomed the plumb flowers 那一年的雪花飘落梅花开枝头 That year beside the Huaqing Pool remained a deep gloom 那一年的华清池旁留下太多愁 Don't tell me who is right or who is wrong in this love 不要说谁是谁非感情错与对 I just want to drink with you once again into a dream 只想梦里与你一起再醉一回 You gave the gold hairpin and the jade comb to me as presents 金雀钗玉搔头是你给我的礼物 I danced in colorful dress and splendid music for you several times 霓裳羽衣曲几番轮回为你歌舞 You faded away with a deep thought of me through the Jianmen Pass 剑门关是你对我深深的思念 I would bury my beauty and soul for my true love under the Mawei Hill 马嵬坡下愿为真爱魂断红颜 Love and hate were all in a moment 爱恨就在一瞬间 Propose a toast to the moon, love surpass heaven 举杯对月情似天 Where can I find the buried emotion 爱恨两茫茫 When will you love me once more 问君何时恋 The Chrysanthemum Arena mirrored in the moon 菊花台倒影明月 Who knows my love full of pain 谁知吾爱心中寒 Drunk in my lord's arms 醉在君王怀 Dreaming of the love back in Tang Dynasty 梦回大唐爱 本文来源: