一、不敢回看,左顾右盼,不自然的暗自喜欢。 I dare not look back and look around. I secretly like it unnaturall 二、咫尺之遥却无法靠近。 A stone's throw away but not close. 三、窗外下着大雨,你没看我,我没看雨。 It was raining heavily outside the window. You didn't look at me. I didn't look at the rain 四、暗恋是握在手中的玻璃渣,很痛却不敢说。 Unrequited love is glass slag in your hand, which hurts but you dare not say it. 五、假装看不见却用余光瞥了一万遍。 Pretending to be invisible but glancing at it 10,000 times. 六、我对你乃有爱意,是我对自己无能为力。 I love you, but I can't do anything about myself. 七、你的名字我的心事。 Your name, my heart. 八、砰砰在左边,你在砰砰里。 Bang bang is onthe left, you are in bang bang. 九、暗恋就是,在我眼里你和美好环环相扣。 Secret love is that in my eyes, you and beauty are linked together. 十、你是我最想公于之众的秘密。 You are the secret I want to make public most 十一、把你写进日记里,只有我自己知道的心事和或晴或雨的日子。 Write you in my diary, only my own heart and sunny or rainy days 十二、其实每次擦肩而过我都会悄悄回头。 In fact, every time I pass by, I will look back quietly 十三、听说每一个女生都暗恋过一个穿白衬衫笑起来很好看的男孩。 I heard that every girl has a crush on a boy who looks good in a white shirt and smiles. 十四、暗恋是一个人的兵荒马乱。 Secret love is a person's shuddering. 十五、给你的爱一直很安静,只是你还未懂得。 Love for you has always been quiet, but you haven't understood it yet. 十六、看到的洒脱,都是心碎之后的无可奈何。 See free and easy, are helpless after heartbreak. 十七、哪天再谈起你的时候,我会微笑平静地告诉他们,你是那个曾令我疯狂到死的过去。 When I talk about you again one day, I will smile and tell them calmly that you are the past that made me crazy to death. 十八、暗恋是一种礼貌,暗地里盖一座城堡。 Secret love is a kind of courtesy to build a castle secretly 十九、把你写进日记里,只有我自己知道的心事和或晴或雨的日子。 Write you in my diary, only my own heart and sunny or rainy days 二十、我喜欢的人是个笨蛋,因为他察觉不到我的喜欢。 The person I like is a fool because he can't detect my liking 二十一、心里否定一万遍不喜欢你,看到你时心里还是会偷笑。 I deny that I don't like you 10,000 times, and I still smile when I see you. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ba84fc6ca02d7375a417866fb84ae45c3b35c2ae.html