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3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 4.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1 more about the place where you live,and you will shoulder more responsibility to protect it ALearning BTo learn CLearn DLearned 2We have brought in a good grain harvest for three years_________. Aon purpose

Bon end

Con duty Don watch

3It's that time of year again when Alipay ______ us just how much we've been spending and on what Areminds

Chas reminded Dis reminding

4If it _____ earlier, the printing machine would not have broken down Ahas been repaired

Chad been repaired Dwas repaired

You can only be sure of _____ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _____ you might get in the future. 5

Athat; what

Bwhat; /

Cwhich; that

D/; that Bis repaired Breminded

6The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ______ what he was saying. Atake in

Btake off Ctake on Dtake after

7---When shall we start the reconstruction of the historic building?

--- Not until our program ______ by the authority. A. will approve

B. will be approved

C. has approved D. has been approved

8---But for your timely warning, we into great trouble. ---Well, you know we’re friends.

Awould get Bmust have got Cwould have got

Dcan’t have got

9With people paying attention to fitness, self-service mini-gyms, each covering about 5 square meters, ________ in China’s major cities these years. Ahave sprung up

Bsprang up

Chad sprung up Dspring up

10 BoBcould I use your computer this evening? Sorry. I a report on it then. Awill be writing

Chave written Dwill have written

11I’m very grateful to my high school teachers, without ______ help I wouldn’t be so excellent. Awhom

Btheir Cwhich


Bhave been writing

12She is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone _____ the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery ______. Aon; to solve

Cfor; being solved Dto; to be solved

13The Small Goose Pagoda in Xi’an, one of the 22 Silk Road relics located in China, _______ back in 707 during the Tang Dynasty. Adated

Cdates Dis dating

14Just as the famous man _____it, “Anything one man can imagine, other men can make____real.” Asays, it

Bput, / Csays, /

Dput, them

Bwas dated Bwith; solving

15World Food Day is held each year to underline the progress that ________ against hunger and that still needs to be made. Ais made Chas been made

Dwill be made

Bwas made

16Since you are my daughter's classmate, we'd like to ______ you _______ tonight. Aput ; down

Bput ; in Cput ; off Dput ; up

17John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _________ has made him what he is today. Awhat Cwhere



18Father made a promise______________ I did well in the entrance exam, he would take me to Hong Kong in the summer vacation. Aif that Cthat if



19Various efforts ________ in the past decades to protect the environment. Ahad made Bhave made Cwere made Dhave been made 20––Are the repairs finished yet? ––Yes, they ______ when I came back home.

Awould be completed Bwould complete

Chad completed Dhad been completed

第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Taking on the task of producing a short movie might seem like an impossible feat, but if you can assemble 216分)a good team and if you break down each stage of production into small blocks of tasks, you’ll come to realize that producing a small-scale movie isn’t too bad. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.

Assemble a production crew. If you run out of friends or people you can get to work for screen credit, offer people “points”, which is a percentage of the movie profits.

Get a director of photography. You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local film schools are the best place to find them,

Assemble the props and costumes. Costume shops and local theater groups can definitely help you here. But you can also borrow from friends and family or check out thrift stores for bargains.

Choose filming locations. Make sure you have permission from the owners of the property you choose to film on. Get the film processed. Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography. You may need to send the film to Los Angeles for this.

Edit the film, You need to find someone who can transfer your film to video and arrange the completed scenes in the right order. You can likely find one in the same place as your director of photography,

Obviously, this is just a basic overviewthe thing about producing a short independent movie is that the whole process is unpredictable. You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every day, at least you’ll be prepared to deal with the difficulties. 1What can we know about directors of photography? AThey must be from film schools. BThey know everything about films. CThey can send films to Los Angeles. DThey can help get the right processor.

2Where can you most probably find a person to edit the film? ALos Angeles. BCostume shops. CLocal film schools. DLocal theaters.

3What does the author agree with?
