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端午的英语说法: dragon boat festival 端午相关英语表达:

端午礼俗 customs of dragon boat festival 端午祭 dragon-boat sacrifice 端午风俗 dragon boat festival custom 端午的英语例句:

1. dragon boat festival this year, we put artemsia argyi home, wrap dumplings.

今年的端午, 我们家挂上艾叶, 包好粽子.

2. a folk proverb: " dragon boat race mandarin orange antelope. "

民间有谚: 端午瓯柑赛羚羊 .

3. dragon boat festival, children's kite flying, known as the " release calamity. "

石城县端午, 儿童放风筝, 称为 放殃 .

4. dumpling fragrance dragon boat festival, the earthquake stricken area of the and blood, are you? 又逢端午粽飘香, 地震灾区的骨肉同胞, 你好 ? 5. today is the dragon boat festival and traditional


races are being held across the country. 今天是端午佳节,很多地方都将举行传统龙舟赛.

6. end of a rice dumplings, was a artemsia argyi, and you have - the dragon boat festival.

端一盘粽子, 呈一枝艾叶, 与你一起过 —— 端午. 7. if time permits, people will soak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi.

端午时间到了, 中国百姓家家都要浸糯米 洗粽叶、包粽.

8. ancient chinese believed the day of duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner.

古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来. 9. boat festival customs sources said among the most extensive river death of qu yuan.


10. ex : one of my fondest childhood memories is making the scented sachets before dragon boat festivals. 我儿时回忆中最喜爱的是在端午节前制作香包!

11. the drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body.

