
时间:2023-09-25 06:36:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

开展座谈会的方案 一、开展座谈会的目的 本次座谈会的主要目的是,针对我市社会经济发展的历史、现状及未来趋势等问题进行深入研讨,探讨合理有效的政策,促进我市社会和经济发展。 二、参会人员 本次座谈会由市委书记、市长、市政府领导及其他各方面相关专家学者等参加,具体人员清单另行通知。 三、开展方式 本次座谈会由市委书记主持,就当前发展现状以及发展路径和发展策略等话题进行深入讨论,汇总和完善发展意见,形成意见综述,以资政策制定之用。 四、会议安排 本次座谈会预计为两天,具体会议安排如下: 1、第一天: 1)由市委书记发表讲话,向大家介绍本次座谈会的背景、目的、时限等; 2)按序由市政府各专家及学者发表意见,大家就社会经济发展历史、现状及未来趋势等话题进行深入分析研讨;

3)操作环节:研讨团就现场讨论总结出来的问题,实施操作,形成意见综述。 2、第二天: 1)市委书记审核研讨团的意见综述,确定发展方针; 2)市政府各负责人根据发展方针,发表谈话,明确政策目标及措施,并就政策目标和措施提出建议; 3)确定发展政策,由市委书记宣布结果。 五、会议召集权

本次座谈会由市政府召集,具体事宜按照本文方案办理。 六、其他事项 本次座谈会所有费用由市政府负责。另外,每位参会人员应于现场提交与话题相关的资料,作为讨论的理论依据。 衷心希望本次座谈会取得圆满的成功,为我市社会发展带来积极科学的影响! This article introduces the proposal of holding a symposium. The purpose of the symposium is to discuss in

depth the historical, current and future trends of the socio-economic development of our city and to explore reasonable and effective policies to promote the socio-economic

development of our city. Participants include the secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor, the leaders of the municipal government and experts and scholars from other related fields. The symposium will be held for two days, presided over by the secretary of the municipal party

committee. On the first day, the secretary of the municipal party committee will give a speech introducing the background, purpose and time limit of the symposium, followed by the speech of the experts and scholars from the municipal government. In the operation section, the discussion team will summarize and form an opinion summary to serve as a

reference for policy making. On the second day, the secretary of the municipal party committee will review the opinion summary of the discussion team, determine the development orientation, and the responsible persons of the municipal government will make speeches on the development orientation and measures. Finally, the secretary of the municipal party committee will announce the results. The cost of the symposium will be borne by the municipal government. In
