植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。按时间长短可分为植树日、植树周和植树月,共称为国际植树节。提倡通过这种活动,激发人们爱林造林的热情和对环保的重要性。今天小编给大家分享一下有关于植树节的英语作文,让我们一起来欣赏一下吧! 植树节英语作文一 今天3月12日是植树节,我特别喜欢植树节。因为它能美化环境,可以让更多的小动物来到我们美丽的西安。也能在沙漠旁边种一些树,可以防沙尘暴,最重要的是它还能给我们添加新鲜空气呢! 我觉得没有了树木就没有了生命,氧气其实是可以呼吸完的!如果有了树,他会给我们添加氧气!所以现在的地球里的氧气是呼吸不完的! 我希望同学们种一些小树,同时也一定要爱护小树! Today is March 12 Arbor Day, I especially like Arbor Day. Because it can beautify the environment, you can let more animals come to our beautiful Xi'an. Can also plant some trees next to the desert, you can prevent dust storms, the most important thing is that it can also add fresh air to us too! I think there is no life without trees, oxygen can actually breathe! If there is a tree, he will give us oxygen! So now the oxygen in the earth is endless breathing! I hope my classmates planted some small trees, but also must take care of the small trees! 植树节英语作文二 今天是一年一度的“植树节”。正好昨天唐老师教我们学了《邓小平爷爷种树》。连伟大的领袖都要为绿化添一份力,我们小向阳花们怎么能闲着呢! 瞧,一大早,好多同学们带了不同的盆景放在教室的窗台上,为我们的教室添上了一道道美丽的绿色风景线。 在充满绿意的教室里上课别提多享受了! Today is the annual "Arbor Day." Yesterday, Teacher Tang taught us to learn "Deng Xiaoping's grandpa kind of tree." Even the great leaders have to add a force for the green, how can we spend small sunny sun it! Look, in the early morning, a lot of classmates brought different bonsai on the windowsill of the classroom, adding a beautiful green landscape to our classroom. In the classroom full of green fare more enjoy! 植树节英语作文三 温暖的春天来了,三个活泼可爱的小朋友去公园植树,他们的手里,有的拿着水壶、有的拿着树枝、还有的拿着挖坑。树上有一群群活泼可爱的小猴在树上快乐的玩耍,一群群唱着动听歌曲的鸟儿在天空中快乐的飞翔,清澈见底的河水里有一群群金色的鱼儿在水里游泳。溪水哗哗流淌,滋润着棵棵树苗。三位同学走到哪里,哪里就会有清袍。 这时,他们已经来到了植树造林的好地方,少先队员们准备植树,他们一边唱着小诗;踏一路春风,撒一路欢笑,向荒山野岭进军,春光染清我们双脚。这些句子。 十年树木,百年树人,啊,这真是一个有意义的植树节。 Warm spring came, three lovely children to the park to plant trees, their hands, some holding a kettle, some holding branches, while others digging pit. There are groups of lively and lovely little monkeys in the trees to play happily, groups of birds singing and dancing songs flying happily in the sky, crystal clear fish in a pool of golden fish swimming in the water . Flowing rushing streams, moisture tree seedlings. Where three students go, there will be a clean robe. At this time, they have come to a good place for afforestation. Young pioneers are preparing to plant trees. They sing little poems. They ride the spring breeze, laughter all the way and march toward the barren hills. The spring dyed our feet. These sentences Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees, ah, this is really a meaningful Arbor Day. 植树节英语作文四 植树节的这一天,万里无云,阳光灿烂。在老师的带领下,少先队员们,拿着铁锹,提着水桶去植树。 在那里有山有水,高高的树木,还有树上的小鸟在自由的飞翔。少先队员兴致勃勃地挖着树坑,不一会儿,树坑挖好了,把树苗小心地放进树坑里,就把土填起来,最后浇水。一颗颗绿绿的小树载好了。大家心里感到非常的高兴。 Arbor day, cloudless and sunny. Under the leadership of the teacher, the Young Pioneers, holding a shovel, carrying a bucket to plant trees. There are mountains and water, tall trees, and trees in the free flight of birds. Young pioneers dredged the tree pit happily, and soon, digging the pit, put the saplings carefully into the pit, fill the soil, and finally watering. The green trees carry well. Everyone felt very happy. 植树节英语作文五 3月12日是植树节,小红和小明相约放学后一起去植树。 他们拿着工具和一棵茁壮的小树苗来到公园,小明先挖了一个大树坑,小红把树苗放进树坑中央,小明用铁锹把土往坑里填。不一会儿就填满了,他还用脚踩平泥土,小红提来了水,给树苗浇水。 看着种好的小树,他俩别提有多高兴。都说:“小树小树快快长大,我们也要好好学习和你一起快乐地长大!” March 12 is Arbor Day, Xiao-Hung and Xiao-Ming meet after school together to plant trees. They took the tools and a thriving young seedling to the park. Xiaoming first dug up a big tree pit. Little red put the sapling in the middle of the tree pit. Xiaoming used the spade to fill the pit. Soon filled, he also flattened the soil with his foot, red came to the water, watering the saplings. Looked at planting a good tree, they do not mention how happy. Said: "Small tree grow up quickly, we have to learn to grow happily with you!" 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/be1ae76369ec0975f46527d3240c844768eaa01e.html