关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:种树 (最新版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制学校:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文,中学作文,大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。 作文并不神秘,要想写好一篇文章,首先要多看,多想,勤于观察,积累素材。只有细致的观察生活,积累素材才是写好作文的基础。首先要明确你要写的主题,认真的审题,列出大纲,不要只注意题目中要求的字有多少,要多注意题目的本身,要多读多想,准确的用好词语和修饰语。这是审题的关键,要确立好主题的依据,要精心的选材,布局列题,有的材料,还要分析整理。这就要对材料进行分类,比较,概括,筛选。 我们不要象盖房子那样的把所有的材料都堆砌起来,要合理恰当的组合,具体的说开头和结尾要略写,那么经过就要仔细的推敲,修辞,润色,写好以后不要急于交稿,反复检查认真的修改。 古人说:书读百遍,其义自见。熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。这些都说明一个道理,只要你多看书,多读书对你的写作文有一定的好处。只要你明白这样的一个道理,作文就是要你把生活中喜,怒,哀,乐用文字经过加工,修饰。整理,也就是我们说的作文。 第 1 页 共 3 页 作文内容 3月12日是植树节。这一天,天空中的白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,慢慢地浮动。太阳公公也暖洋洋地照着大地。小兰肩扛铁铲,小明一手拿着买来的树苗,另一手提着水桶,两个人高高兴兴地一起去公园后山植树。 March 12 is tree planting day. On this day, white clouds in the sky are like sailing boats, floating slowly. The sun also shines warm on the earth. Xiaolan carries a shovel on her shoulder. Xiaoming takes the bought saplings in one hand and the bucket in the other. They go to the back mountain of the park to plant trees happily. 他们俩到了公园后山一看,哇!人可真多呀!只见三五成群的人们有的在挖坑,有的在填土,还有的在浇水。大家干得热火朝天。小明和小兰也找了个位置,忙开了。小兰先两手紧握铁铲,卖力地挖起坑来。只见她把挖起的土堆在土坑旁边。小明看土坑差不多深了,就小心翼翼地把树苗的根放在大小合适的土坑里,蹲着身子,两手扶住小树苗。这时,小兰又小心地用土坑旁边的一小堆土把放着树苗的坑填平。小明站起身子,拿起水桶去打来了一桶水,将水浇在土坑上。树栽好了,小树苗笔直地站在了土地上。www.zuowenla.cn When they got to the back of the park, they had a look. 第 2 页 共 3 页 WOW! How many people there are! Only three or five groups of people were digging, filling and watering. Everyone is working hard. Xiaoming and Xiaolan also found a place to drive. Xiaolan holds the shovel tightly in both hands and works hard to dig the pit. I saw her pile up the excavated earth beside the pit. Xiaoming saw that the pit was almost deep, so he carefully put the roots of the seedlings in a pit of suitable size, squatted down, and held the seedlings with both hands. At this time, Xiaolan carefully filled the pit with a small pile of soil beside the pit. Xiaoming stood up, picked up the bucket and fetched a bucket of water and poured it on the pit. When the trees were planted, the young trees stood upright on the ground. 一阵春风吹来,他们俩感到了丝丝凉意,都用手擦了擦脸上的汗水。两只“小花猫”你看看我,我看看你,都禁不住哈哈大笑了起来,笑声弥漫了整个公园的后山。 A spring breeze blew, and they both felt cool and wiped the sweat on their faces with their hands. Two "little kittens" you look at me, I look at you, can't help laughing, laughter filled the whole park behind the mountain. 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ae06fcfb5afb770bf78a6529647d27284a733776.html