【超喜欢用英语口语怎么说】 keeon 例句: We have enjoyed staying with you very much . 我们很喜欢和你在一起。 He seems to have a penchant for my children . 他似乎很喜欢我的孩子们。 Alferd developed a taste for the wine . 艾怀弗雷德很喜欢喝这种酒。 He liked the young man's poise and balance . 他很喜欢这个青年的平静和镇定。 Of course , it is very agreeable to me . 当然行,我很喜欢。 Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time . 彼得在业余时间里很喜欢踢足球。 She was very showy, but she was not genuine . 她很喜欢卖弄,可是她没有真才实学。 She is very keen on doing it herself . 她很喜欢自己做。 She likes beethoven very much . 她很喜欢贝多芬的作品。 She adores you, and does not affect to conceal it . 她很喜欢你,而且也不掩饰她的感情。 【喜欢用英语怎么说】 1.(喜爱) like; love; prefer; enjoy; be fond of; be keen on 2.(高兴) happy; delighted; elated; filled with joy 例句: I know the kind of people he admires most . 我知道他最喜欢哪一类人。 I can't pretend that i do like them . 我不能言不由衷,说我喜欢他们。 The more i know him , the more i like him . 越是了解他,越是喜欢他。 I do not like you staying out so late . 我不喜欢你在外面呆到这么晚。 He likes to lord it over the junior staff . 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。 He has a great liking for mrs. rouncewell . 他非常喜欢朗斯威尔太太。 I thought you always liked long books . 我记得您总是喜欢看大部头书。 I like him none the less for his faults . 他有缺点,但我仍旧喜欢他。 I don't like the stiffness of his manners . 我不喜欢他那冷漠的态度。 They were more interested in their own pursuits . 他们喜欢自己玩耍。 【很喜欢用英语怎么说】 be delithted with ;delight in 参考例句: Be very much pleased with;be very happy with 很喜欢 I adore sailing. 我很喜欢航行。 I enjoy keeping company with you. 我很喜欢跟你在一块。 I liked this shirt, but the collar has worn. 我很喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已破了。 You may regard my husband as a stick-in-the-mud, But on my part I like his personality of that kind" 你可以说我的丈夫是个老古董,但是我倒很喜欢他的这种性格。 On the other hand persons of whom they fancied themselves fond will be found to have become insipid and disagreeable 另一方面,她们本来以为她们很喜欢的人,现在却变得索然无味,一点也不可爱了。 I really like the wit who has talked to me. 我真的很喜欢刚才跟我交谈过的机智而不乏幽默的帅哥。 He's a great reader of science fiction. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说。 I am very attached to that old car. 我很喜欢那辆旧车。 I'm fond of cake myself. 我本人很喜欢蛋糕。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/becc8926fc0a79563c1ec5da50e2524de518d0fd.html