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【关灯用英语口语怎么说】 douse the glim turn off lights turn off the light 例句:

Please switch off the lights when you leave . 出门时请随手关灯。

Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed . 临睡前别忘了关灯。

He puts out his hand to turn off the light . 他伸手去关灯。

Turn the light off as you go out . 出门时请随手关灯。

When you leave , please remember to turn off the lights 当你走的时候,记得关灯。

Don " t leave the lights on it wastes electricity 走时要随手关灯- -以免浪费电

Don " t leave the lights on it wastes electricity 走时要随手关灯- -以免浪费电

Don " t forget to turn out the light when you leave 你离开的时候别忘记了关灯。

Stick niggas for not knowin , then teach em somethin 关关灯假设心里要说话题便无忌讳 【灯的英语表达】

1.(照明等用的发光器具) lamp; lantern; light 2.(燃烧液体或气体用来对别的东西加热的器具) burner


3.(俗称电子管) valve; tube 例句:

She tore it open and carried it to the lamp . 她拆开来拿到灯旁去看。

On your car you got a busted headlight . 你的车子上有只破碎了的前灯。

Ignite the magnesium ribbon using a micro burner . 用微型灯点着镁带。

The lights were showing in the temporary hospital . 临时病房里亮着灯。

The lamp post has a slight tip to the west .. 灯杆稍微有点向西歪。

The light was put out, and the family retired . 熄了灯,全家就睡觉了。

A light was still burning in his study . 他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。

The two bull"s-eye lamps are also provided . 还备有两个圆窗小灯。 【熄灯用英语口语怎么说】 douse the glim douse the lights lights out 例句:

No talking after lights out . 熄灯后不许说话。

They for half an hour after the lights went off 他们在熄灯后继续谈了半个小时。

" what did you do after lights - out last night ? “你昨天熄灯以后干什么了?

