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科学英语science [?sa??ns] [?sa??ns] n. 科学专门技术。例句:It respected wealth and it despised science. I prefer science to the humanities.



It respected wealth and it despised science. 它看重财富而轻视科学

Experiment is the final arbiter in science. 实验是科学的最后仲裁者。

You are exploring the frontiers in science. 你在探究科学的新领域。 I prefer science to the humanities. 我喜爱自然科学,不喜欢人文科学


Maybe computer science would do the trick. 也许搞计算机可以如愿。

Technology has been the daughter of science. 技术是科学的第一代产物。

Space science has introduced many new words. 太空科学采用许多新词汇。

We pushed him hard to take up science. 我们极力让他学习自然科学 Economics is a nomothetic science. 经济学是一门研究普遍性的科学

He was expelled from the academy of sciences. 他被科学院开除了。

Science empowers man to conquer natural forces. 科学使人类能征服自然。

Advances in science help all humanity. 科学的进步有助于全人类。

The greek initiated the science of mechanics. 希腊人开创了力学这门科学

Science without mathematics is unthinkable. 没有数学科学是难以想象的。


We have made enormous strides in scienc. 我们在科学方面有了长足的进展。 Physics and astronomy are cognate science. 理学及天文学为同性质的科学

Science and technology are no.1 productive forces. 科学技术是第一生产力。

The science of intoning was unknown. 吟诵的学问还不为人所知。

Technology is the outgrowth of science. 技术是科学的副产品。

He developed an interest in science. 他养成了对科学的兴趣。

